Okay, Many people were voting and I got the results. Alpha Site, Boarding Action and Isolation. Thanks for voting. Also my ODST Multiplayer Map pack contains 2 Maps, Alpha Site and Rooftops. Both are Nearly done. I smell Christmas. I know everyone thinks oh ya its released at christmas. Well yes. However, 8 Lucky People on forgehub could easly get the V.I.P Treatment. Includes, Alpha Site, Rooftops, Asset Map and Much more! Oh and yes, Im already building my own Asset Map. Thanks for the Advice Rifte Gifle. By that I mean the awesome sauce that Asset has. I always wanted to building something like that. But anyway, I got L4D 2 and Modern Warfare 2. So I might get some more Ideas. But Why am I making 10 maps at once. I like making Map Packs, Thats why. Well anyway I'll update in December. Also If you want to be 1 of the 8 V.I.P's. Send me a Message back with the secret code. A letter will be in each of my next posts. Get the word right and you'll be invited. Dont worry it's only 3-8 letters. I haven't desided. By the way this is for F.U.N. (F**ked. Up. Nonsense.) Peace Out Guys and Girls.
I don't really don't mean to sound rude or anything, but you've talking as if your really good at forging, and everyone's going to be absolutely amazed at your maps. However, in the past you've only released 2 maps that were 'less than par' **** Zombie maps. Then, you've been saying on and on for about 4-5 month now on how great your maps have been and that we should get all hyped up about them. Call me crazy, but I don't think your maps will be all that great.
I'm his friend, and trust me. He's DEFINITELY improved since then. He's made a couple amazing maps since them, he just feels like he shouldn't post them though. I've tried to talk him into it, but he just doesn't want to.
Again im releasing 2 map packs with all the maps i made also that cave map too. second i still trying to get photos on photobucket. Plus I need your help with that cave map. And Cory, Just to tell you Ive been planning this all along. I do think im a good forger. I just want people to understand that my maps were already planned to release sometime this Winter. Im not bragging. I got 7 different messages about the ODST Multiplayer Map Pack. Ive just didnt know what maps to remake. I wanted to know what the forgers here want to see, I mean come on did you see that guy who rushed all of his maps. horriable remakes. I also dont want to release it becasue many forgers are scaring me. Zombie Kitten and Izano Slayer with Trenchwars 2 (Delayed), Masterdebayters Judgement Map Pack (I dont think he's even trying) and Rifte Gifle's Asset Map Pack. That like dodgeing a billion bullets. Besides today forgehub only got 3 maps. WOW was I dispointed. But Still I got MW2 and L4D2 so dont think im not busy. Infact my friend Jordan has volunteered to help me with this. So ODST Multiplayer Map Pack and The Variety Map Pack Come Winter 2009.
How is Asset "dodgeing a billion bullets"? Debayter's definitely trying, but he like yourself and the guys working on Trench Wars 2 are playing MW2. I have the game and I'm keeping it on hold for Asset. Besides, who are you to comment on other people's map pack progression like this? I don't see you even trying to take pictures of your map which you promised over 2 weeks ago.
Gifle has a point bro. Everyone is playing Modern Warfare 2 right now, and nobody is gonna come back any time soon. Everyone and their games here have delayed their release dates because of Modern Warfare 2. I kind of get what he means by dodging a billion bullets though. The 4 main games around here are the following: Asset, Left4Dead type games, **** Zombies, and Conquest. I was supposed to be releasing a new L4D gametype last week, but I will probably delay it 3-4 months because of MW2. No one will be on Halo for a long while. We just have to deal with it for now. Since everyone is away, that gives us time to cook some crazy things up for when people start returning. Such as the Kinetica map preview in the Forge Discussion. That's my jist of the subject.
Are you f**king serious! Masterdebayter hasn't F**king moved in like 3 months. the Map pack god sake is being made by like 12 people. WTF! That sounds really easy. The Map pack hasn't came outt for months now. I have no clue what your on man. Im sorry Gifle but Masterdebayter will never masterbate again! Plasmamaterial thats exsactly what im saying. Rifte Gifle sould be featured within at least a month. His Asset is a fan favourite. Most people who have map packs releasing are playing COD 6 Modern gayf**kstupid 2. Thats why im releasing my map pack in winter 2009. So i have time to play COD 6, L4D2 and Halo 3: ODST. Kinetica is a map im really looking forward to. Asset is so intense with gameplay, Im making my own.
Good luck on your Asset map(s) bro. Yea, I like MW2, but I really miss forging really neat things. I started on an Asset Map Pack last night and I should be done within a few weeks. Later on today probably will be when I will be posting a map preview thread for the Map Pack. -Plasmaterial
Im gonna keep on working till Im done. Im gonna play MW2 later today. you wanna join. My friends dont have MW2.
Im fine dude. For one I don't even have L4D 2 yet lol.. Probably getting it for Christmas. Second, I have to do TONS of work tonight on my new set of Asset Maps( BTW thank you Grunt for the Asset Canvas). I might be on Modern Warfare 2 later on tonight. If you can, just send me a FR. You should be able to see my GamerTag under my ForgeHub name( ShooN x) Cheers =D
wow. your cool. Show us proof that your this godly forger. Your just blowing steam acting like your map pack is the best thing ever. and you expect us to believe it. if your not going to give pictures, than at least be a little bit modest. On second thought, be modest anyway.
Exactly what I said. Please, I think the only actual previews you've given us have been that GWC Water Storage, which wasn't very exciting IMO. Please, stop blowing smoke.
First Off, This is exsactly why I dont like Forgehub that much. People complain alot. This is not a Map Preview. Its an UPDATE on all my maps. I not Godly. Infact right now Im sick. So I cant really be really good at forging because of my f**king headaches. So I not you know being Godly or Making my map pack amazing. Its just Im disapointed with most excellent forgers on forgehub right now. I'm really getting exicted for maps. Just like great games it takes forever. So dont think Im GODLY or thinking My Map pack is AMAZING! IM just UPDATING!
^ This. This is why I didn't recruit you into the team, despite the fact that you made a decent Sandbox **** Zombies map like Cowboypickle did. Don't be so biased of something you know nothing about. It'll be released when it is. The problem at the moment is that I've been trying to get the maps from all of the map makers, but have been unsuccessful in contacting them all to do so. One of them happens to have RROD also, and I can't get his map from him until he gets his xbox repaired... I just lol'd, very hard. So much so, I have to quote this.
1. Stop posting until you update, your egging people on to flame you. 2. Quit your bitching, if you dont want people to get angry at you when you post something regarding your maps, and dont post any pictures, just ****ing wait until you post the maps, or at least until you get pics. 3. We dont want excuses. 4. @used man: \o /corydunflamemeforbeingrepetitiveposterkthx