Well first, if you haven't seen the original watch this: YouTube- 100 Ways to Kill Yourself in Garry's Mod (Machinima) Anyways so here is the sequel I guess and its only part one, (part 2 released next week) but: YouTube- 100 More Ways to Die in Garry's Mod: Part 1 (Half-Life 2 Machinima) The intro shows how amazing this game is and what you can do with it. Note that Garry's Mod, although being a mod for the Source engine, is not frowned upon by Valve and is even sold on their client, Steam. (I only say this just in case a mod may have wanted to lock this because the game is technically a mod)
this mod is insane.. there was so much stuff to do. I think the guys face is really funny/ creepy looking at it makes the whole video seem that much better. As for the hundred ways to die, I like #14-15 on the second video where he goes down the slide..
OLD videos, but still hilarious after watching them for like the tenth time. Gmod always reminds me of that tiny tim song or something like that. And ofc funny faces.
The 100 more ways to die is actually really new and just was uploaded by machinima, DJY is going to release the new one in parts, weekly.
yeah i meant just the first, coincidently i just went on youtube and noticed that that was just uploaded to machinima.
Its basically a mod for the source engine, it is a massive physics sandbox where ANYTHING can be built. Its like 9999x better than forge.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Halo: Reach's forge mode was exactly like Garry's Mod but with Halo stuff? i really LOLd at the second video, nice find!
Gotta love google's advertising picking up on the "kill yourself" in the title and making the advertisement for me "Girl's self esteem issues." Hilarious, in a morbid kind of way. As for the video, old but Gmod always makes for awesome videos if you've played HL2. Watching the nwe one now...