Is it just me and my school, or does it seem people(mainly high-schoolers and teens) just don't genuinely care for each other any more. Kids at my school, your so called *friends* aren't exactly friendly. Everything is about who gets put down to make the next big joke, and who's funnier and who's better for that moment and it all changes in a split second. I've noticed this mainly comes from kids who most likely have insecurities(majority of high-schoolers). They don't seem to care what you did, but if they can embarrass you or make themselves and others laugh or feel better by picking on you they do it to an extreme. So is it just my school? It's spreading like the common cold here... There's no hanging out, it's all about what so and so did or what he or she did last class period or someone on the team. Rarely do the conversations ever consist of small talk, or friendly talk, it's all one circle of smash n' bash each other, laugh, and move on to the next victim...
Not my juniors. My juniors are the worst probably. I play regularly with two juniors, a senior, another freshman (besides myself), and a sophomore. The juniors are always saying stuff like that with us freshmen, but we're just having our fun.
Freshmen and Sophomores may have physically matured, but are still immature until your an upperclassmen (usually)
Btw SRC48, are you the same person that just posted in the death sentence thread saying we should torture criminals? And you're posting about the fact that people in your high school are mean? A big WTF comes to mind.
OFF TOPIC Are people in high school criminals? No. trust me, Mean isn't where I'm coming from... but I guess you don't see my viewpoint on that, I guess killing someone(a biblical MORTAL SIN) and raping(MORTAL SIN) should go without punishment before death. Put it this way, if someone killed a loved one of yours, say a parent or sibling, I sure as hell bet you'd want them to suffer a bit rather than just being "mercy killed". But that's for that thread, keep them apart because they have nothing to do with each other whatsoever... ON TOPIC Yes kids at my school are very relentless and unforgiving for anything they can use as "ammo" to get back at you later. They seem to remember anything and everything embarrassing or "uncool" you did and bite you in the ass with it...
Finally somewhere to vent/help. Well in my Highschool there are girls doing that and boys. Then me a my friends. We don't do that. We just talk about that kind of small talk. One of my friends is normally said and she needs a shoulder to cry on. One is happy and upbeat. And the guys are actually not assholes normally. Also, I get along way better with Sophmores and Juniors better than my class of Freshman. Makes me wonder if I should have chosen to skip a grade or not.
I feel the same way, I have like two friends who aren't like that. It's quite annoying, and it sucks because it never ever stops.
It's not just your school to get to the point, it's a catastrophe that has been increasing over time due to the fact that schools can no longer discipline students and neither can parents. I'm truly afraid to continue living in the United States for the sole purpose that only idiots are being taught at school and that our future relies on these idiots. Ugh, regardless of what I just said I agree. It is something that has been sparking lately and turning into a fire. I can't really say if it has existed forever because I doubt it has, but I can say that it happens everywhere.
Suck it up. Grab you nuts and show em whos boss...well thats what I do and I don't get messed with :]. Don't give them an opprotunity to make fun of you and you'll be in the clear but if you don't sucks to be you.
It's always been around. You get the people like you, who understand insecurities, and either accept them or push them aside. Then you get everyone else who tries to hide them by creating a fake persona. It's very annoying, and is only made worse by the fact that it will only annoy you.
It has happened with some of my friends, but being generally uncaring about negative things (well sort of, but it has worked out for me) I've been able to circumvent most of my problems.
@OP: It's true what you're saying to a certain degree, but finding the right friends is really all that matters in that respect. If it's really what you describe, you might want to try talking to them, if it goes nowhere, just drop them. It's an irritating circle of people trying to put down others to feel better for themselves, and you don't want to be in that. Also: kind of doubt it, but have you considered telling them you don't appreciate being made fun of or anything like that? Some people pretend to take it decently well and their friends will think they don't mind or even think they think it's funny. This was the case with one of my friends, which is why I ask... It seems kind of lame to confront people like that, but you know...who cares what they think? If they're a real good friend, they'll actually listen instead of continuing to make fun.
It's just the environment. It was awful at my school but as soon as you hit college those kids who would joke about everyone to get a rise no longer do it. They grow up over the summer and start acting like men instead of prepubescent boys. The "enemies" you have in high school will likely be your friends in college. Its a total change in atmosphere.