im in the 20s or 30s and use a scar, but occasionly i go riot shield throwing knife. i personnaly love screwing around with my friends with riot shields.
lvl 1, zero kills, zero deaths, zero wins, defaults unlocked, zero games/hours played... I haven't gotten the game yet if you've noticed F*ck me and my inability to get a "good grade in math" in my parents eyes. I can't get the game until I'm at a safe "B" in geometry. NEways, played at a neighbors house, lovin' the SCAR or FAMAS with scavanger, SP or hardline, and scrambler or steady aim... I love the intervention as well.
Im at 52 now, and im still lovin the SCAR. Although the suppressed/holo Bushmaster with cold blooded is starting to grow on me.