This is my first post and I may as well start it off with a 1v1 Map Pack. A must download. Nearly all interlocked. Please comment and D/L ! Map 1 Cryptonics. The second smallest map. The whole level is floating in the air!. Looks awsome from outside (there is no way outside). The hardest and most time consuming map.. I'll let the pictures do the talking.. The main part. One base Behind this image where he is flying from is a small room with weapons Outside of map Plays for fast paced action and tactical moves as so you cannot be seen. Map 2 Cryptoplasm. The largest map in the map pack. Supurb forging by me! Mostly interlocked. Is meant for 1v1 but plays well with 3 player FFA. Sorry could only get one image. Kind of explains most of the map. Hope to upload more soon. In the dome down the middle there is hallways going to a cannonman that gets you up to the swing bridge. In the lil ditch made out of bridges on either side there is a hole that you can fall down and its nicknamed "The Swewers" by test players. It is sideways sheilddoors perfectly aligned and in the middle is the shotgun. Map is loads of fun. Map 3 Crypticfusion. The last map and i decided to throw in a mini-game. Its a small blank arena floating at the top of Foundry and there is literaly NO WAY OUT. It can play up to 4 FFA. But meant for 1v1 Use the gametype Cryptosticko. A game were you have 200% health and regenerating stick grenades. Sticky Bonus +2 Kill bonus +1. In-game photos. Outside Of Map And there you have it my 1v1 Map Pack. All maps made by Detailed. Download Cryptonics Download Cryptoplasm Download Crypticfusion Download Cryptosticko
EDIT: i like the look of map one and two i like your fence bridge with a gap for the sword and all the interlockign looks nice. but i do not see anything very interesting with map 3. so i will d/l 1 and 2.
I'll giv u guys a tip.. In Cryptonics (Map 1) under the stairs (Interlocking Bridges) there is a Trip Mine that could come in handy...
hey the maps look great but having them all together is a bit weird i would recomend posting maps individually with their name as the name of the post if you dont want to do that atleast name the post the same as the map
Hey I Downloaded all 3 and I have one thing to say. You are legendary, at not only forging but makn 1v1 maps. I LOVE Cryptoplasm the one with the swing bridge and the floating sword. ITs such a cool map!!! Everyone my advice is to D/L ammeiditly its awesome
Hey i'll be hosting a Detailed 1v1 Map Pack challange for anyone whos keen. I'll take on any challenge on all my maps 1v1. It will be Tuesday 22nd April (GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington). Comment if your keen.
Hey I started up your first map ran around a bit and it was a good map and then I looked around harder and managed to get out, same with the second map. Just thought I would tell you as you said there was no way out of the maps.
U serious? Oh well i know how to get out of Crypticplasm but Cryptonics? U gotta sho me on LIVE sometime.