I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I need some help. I want to get a new game and I've limited myself to MW2 or Assassin's Creed 2. I thoroughly enjoyed Assassin's Creed. I love open ended worlds, the free running, the counter attacks, and the fun story line as well as the assassination missions. Even the mundane task of eaves dropping (though now removed) was very enjoyable (it put me in the mood; sucked me into the atmosphere). Modern Warfare on the other hand (bare in mind I'm a PC gamer) felt lacking. I didn't appreciate the quickness of the game, the unpredictability of player movements or the total lack of a sound strategy other than "camp; bait; respawn", however, I have heard that this has been fixed and that the size of parties has been limited to 18 players (which is fantastic for gameplay). I also loved the story line of Call of Duty and found the campaign on veteran (especially Mile High Club) delightfully frustrating. So here's my question. Based on your own personal knowledge. Which of the two games would have the more story driven campaign and which of the two games will have the longest amount of playtime? Also, which of the two games is more polished, more refined and has a sleeker feel to it? Thanks. *Note: I understand that Assassin's Creed does not have multiplayer so please do not use it as an excuse for replayability!
I personally don't buy games without multiplayer. What is the point of owning something you will never play once you finish it? If I were you I would rent Assassins Creed 2 and buy MW2.
If you thought COD 4's single-player was good, know that MW2 is, if anything, even better. Really, you'll end up playing Assassin's Creed twice maximum, whereas, as DOW mentioned, MW2 will be something you can come back to again and again for the multiplayer. Aside from the fairly cool obligatory map DLC coming out, the campaign is fairly intense, there will be at least one section of the game where you will say "What the **** is happening" and at least one other where you'll wish an NPC had said "Texas".
That would be "Star", you're the "Texas". I think. Anyway, MW2's campaign is more intense but feels less focused than MW1. It's a fun game, really tough, and the multiplayer is alright at the moment, but who knows what it'll be like once everyone starts finding their favorite camping spots. IMO: get MW2, if possible rent AC for the Xbox, but even if you can't, it looks to be a good quality game. Mine is coming on my Gamefly soon, so I can tell you what I think in more detail then...I really enjoyed AC1, though I didn't buy it (beat it in...3 days, I think) I did enjoy myself by going offquest fairly often, messing around, trying to play the character instead of rushing through the plot like all the reviewers did.
Right now I have MW2, my first play through of the campaign I played it on Veteran. I do not find a game satisfying unless I play on the hardest difficulty. Although I found some parts to be frustrating these parts were eventually dissected and beat fairly easy. I think it may have taken me eight hours to beat the entire campaign, not sure. The MP I find to be enjoyable, after all I love shooting people. There is one play list I do find particularly enjoyable, but shadow does not, 3rd person team tactical. It gives a whole new spin on the game, which I find refreshing. All of the play lists are fairly solid. I have two gripes with the game besides it's awesomeness. First, if I'm partied with other people, someone usually drops when we join a game or we get stuck in the loading screen. All in all player connectivity kinda sucks. The other problem is majority of the MP maps feel sucky compared to the MW1 maps. AC2 is on my gamefly gameque, so I don't have any information on it.
Very true but I usually like buying games I enjoy. I want to support the people who make them to continue making more.
In my experience with both of the games, speaking of Assassins creed and Modern Warfare, I would definitally say that I enjoyed Assassins Creed as time went by. Initially, Cod4 was very exciting, and I played it for a while, especially in matchmaking, and loved every minute of it. After a while, however, I was drivin to the point of boredom due to its over excessive use of camp;kill;respawn tactics. AC however, did not have any multiplayer whatsoever, so once I had completed the game, which took me a good 8-10 hours, I was finished, and didn't really ever pop it back in. Now, I've played MW2 at a friends house, and I must say, they have really polished their original game, but at the same time I also think that it's just that, their original game, with some extra polish and shine too it. Overall, I think gamewise, AC2 will have a more diverse environment when compared with its original and comparing MW1 with 2. Gameplay wise, you may not get the hours of enjoyment you would with MW2, but in my opinion, and the game I'm opting for is AC2.
I would have to say that AC was good for the first hour, afterwords the combat was repetitive as were the objectives. The environment was lacking in diverse qualities, it was mainly multiple cities crowded with shacks, tall buildings and the occasional really tall church that was fun to scale. After I went through half the game, the story wasn't quite as enticing as I thought it was. Anyways, it was fun for a while, but afterwords it was a big letdown to me. It didn't measure up to the par I felt it could reach. Anyways, I haven't played AC2, but I own MW2 and I can say that MW2 is much better than its predecessor. Campaign is emotional, to say the least, the added Spec Ops adds for a bit more fun once you finish Campaign, not to mention it's quite challenging unless you know the tricks. After that multiplayer is the biggest aspect. I've been playing it nonstop for a few days now, but since you don't want to include that I understand. I hear AC2 is better than the previous, I would hope they mix the combat up from the first, such a bore when you get the counter move. I believe AC2 is longer than MW2 so if you're looking for a game that will take time, choose that one because the campaign in MW2 is short, but I'll warn you that if you choose Veteran on MW2 you'll regret it and will have to take a lot more time on that. It's just as bad as the original MW. Thing is though, the choice is yours. You have to live with the decision you make. Honestly I would consider buying MW2 and *ahem* downloading AC2 and later buying AC2. That would be my solution.