Looking for a good Wacom Tablet. Price for now doesn't matter, but I want one just for making graphics with. Any suggestions? Tell me if you have one and if/what you like about it.
i am getting the bamboo pen and touch for Christmas i think it is the most basic tablet EDIT: http://www.wacom.com/bamboo/bamboo_pen_touch.php
I would suggest getting this. I own the smaller version, it works great. This is just a larger version of the smaller one I've got.
I have an Intuos 3, and I absolutely love it. It's well worth the price, although I'm considering getting a Bamboo for carrying in my bag.
Is there now a discount offer for Photoshop CS4 when you buy one of these tablets? I thought I saw one somewhere.
That discount applies year round (I think). I bought my Intuos 4 about a 6 months ago and I got a discount offer on Photoshop CS4 in addition to the free Corel Paint and Photoshop Elements 7 that came with it.