I was playing Halo 3 for the Xbox 360, solo campaign on legendary. The level was "Walk it Off", and there were two Covenant grunts a few feet in front of me. One grunt was behind the other one, and it decided to throw a plasma grenade. Well, the plasma grenade stuck to the grunt directly in front of it and so the newly friendly-fire plasma-stuck grunt ran forward a few feet (not quite close enough for the explosion to even damage me though) and blew up, killing both grunts. Wow, just wow.
I have encountered a lot of grunts (hell, even brutes) accidentally killing themselves or/and their fellow friendlies. Grunts tend to panic often, so I guess it is in their nature. As for Brutes, well, I do not know.
Sometimes they purposely kill their teammates. I've seen Brutes shoot Bruteshots and grunts and stuff before. Or they will hit a grunt out of the way and kill it.
yeah, there is no level called walk it off. hes probably refering to one of the little captions at the bottom of the screens at the beginning of levels. and no its not just grunts. in ODST i was playing firefight. there was a hunter, probably 10+ feet in front of me, and i was basically standing still, and a wraith shot and killed the hunter.
yeah once the Catch skull turns on in firefight they start sticking each other accidentally a lot. I've seen a lot of brutes get stuck by grunts.
YouTube- Suicide Grunt Train (HILLARIOUS) Just another mass suicide by those idiotic grunts (why even bother running?)
I stuck a brute in the front in the face about the same times a grunt stuck a grenade on the back of his head.
Grunts are pretty stupid and do tend to panic a lot. Sometimes they'll run around and other times they'll throw stickies like they have no limit. Brutes on the other hand are strategic. When you stick them they tend to run at you so you can die with them.
"Walk it Off" is a sub-level. It what it says in the corner when you start the game, after being found by the marines and sgt. johnson. Actualy, Brutes are pretty stupid. When they run at you after being stuck, it's because they are pissed off, not a sentient strategic kill.