Robot Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mentherex, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Robot Wars:
    A map were two teams have special vehicles as their bases.

    Download Map

    This is a map I am making, it’s not at 100% just yet, but its pretty close. It is pretty much just a two team, attack and defend game with bases, but works best with 2 flags or 2 bombs. The theme of the map is that both teams have some kind of special vehicle which will act as their base.

    Team one will have a Spider style robot simply called “Spider” it’s a human vehicle so that’s why it has that name. To enter the Spider, you must use the crates underneath it and jump to the Hog Holder attached to the robot. The other team is much different, it instead has a fleet of flying ships called “Corsairs”, one in flight (main base) one landed (some weapons located here) and a crashed one (for entering the flying ship)

    This map, as it may easily be seen, works best with Assault and CTF, but also can work with Slayer. Best to also have at least 6 people playing, because it’s a large map.

    Now like I said, it is not 100% complete so I would like some feedback, like if you found it too hard to get to one base, if one teams weapons are better than the others. Or any other problems you may find. Thanks.

    (Sorry, there is a problem with my shots, I am going to have to retake them and put them up again. I am going to do this in about 20 mins. ...My brother is playing LOTH BFME right now, and he wont get up... So ya, I have them up as soon as I can.)

    Now for ScreenShots
    To Start here is here is one teams base, the Spider.
    Followed by the other teams base, the Corsairs.

    The Spider:

    Hope people like this map and please, download and leave feedback if you can. I really would like to make this map 100% and hopefully make it a pretty fun map to play. Thanks.
    #1 Mentherex, Apr 19, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2008
  2. Curran92

    Curran92 Ancient
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    looks cool. get a better pic of that first robot cant really tell what it looks like
  3. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Sure, I'll get some more shots of both soon so you can see all the parts of each base.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    So where exactly are these pics?
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Damn, this sounds awesome. If you could fix your pics and embed them, I'd love to see this.
  6. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Wait, do you mean any pics at all? Cause I have a few up there already, I was saying I was going to get some more, but I can't right this sec.
  7. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I see only one of the spider and thats it. But I want to see the rest. It sounds very interesting.
  8. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya, sorry about that, I'm new here and I don't know all the rules yet, I'll get right on that.
  9. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What? Really, for me there is 6 shots. Weird. ummm, well Im going to try and fix that now.
  10. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Hey, wait, now for some reason I see it, Only one shot. Weird, ok, now I'll fix it.

    Edit: O, I see now, I most have removed them on my xbox, woops, ok, I will have to go and take them again. That sucks. I will fix this as soon as I can.
    #10 Mentherex, Apr 19, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  11. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, I fixed it. I have taking new shots to replace the old ones. Plus I made walkthroughs on how to get into each base. Hope its all working this time.
  12. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    There still no pics on this post but I still downloaded it anyway and I have to say that this map is awesome. The spider looks great but you could have made the other robots look more cool and you should have made a better way to get on the robots. All the rest is perfect.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    please don't quadruple post mentherex, and it may just be me but i can't see any pics at all. but this is apparently a good map, so i may download it if i have space.

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