Dragon Age: Origins

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by kevin1gamer, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. kevin1gamer

    kevin1gamer Ancient

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    That this game doesn't have multiplayer, is this true? It says on the box "Xbox 360 Live" on the Xbox 360 game case, so I assumed it would have online play. Especially since all new games have online now pretty much. I am beginning to have second thoughts on whether I should spend $50 on a game that has no multiplayer. Anyone else feel this way? I mean really, single player games are so boring, you can't play with friends, you can't meet interesting new people, you can't play custom made maps and mods, and once you beat the game, there is no point in playing it again (since it's single player only). I will still buy the game anyway, but it certainly isn't worth anything more than $20 since it doesn't have multiplayer. Of course, being a StarCraft: Brood War player for the past 9 years could have some impact on how I like multiplayer (since anyone who has played on Battle.net knows that it is the best online gaming service ever, and you'll never go back to single player only again). So, anyone else here think that BioWare should add multiplayer to the game?
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Buy Dragon Age for PC, not 360.

    RE: Mods, Dragon Age will have one of the largest modding communities over the next few years if the revised toolset and neverwinter community is anything to go by.
  3. kevin1gamer

    kevin1gamer Ancient

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    A friend of mine keeps telling me how great Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2 are. Perhaps I should finally buy those two games and we can play them together.
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Unfortunately, my one year old laptop cannot handle this games minimum requirements so I'm forced to play to the XBox version.

    EDIT: Scratch that my video card is one of the only things that does not meet the minimum system requirements. Which means the game will most likely run like crap. Also, it is recommended to have a quad-core processor.
    #4 Transactionzero, Nov 18, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  5. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    As shock said you should buy it for your pc like i have done, DA origins is already shaping up to be as popular as oblivion was on its release, as like oblivion it will most likely grow to have a how pc modding fanbase and someone will probably bring out a mod that lets you play online.
  6. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Meh, i got it for xbox. I don't particularly mind the differences between PC and 360. (Mostly 'cos my PC can't handle it!) Though the mods look like they're going to be good, i can do without, although the good ones may come on to Xbox.

    Besides, the campaign is so goddamn long. I've got 35+ hours, and it says I'm 25% through. And you'll want to replay just to see how it turns out as a different character.
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Shiatty computers FTW! High five everyone!

    Haven't bothered to check if it'll run on my PC(probably wont). Planning to get it or(and?) Borderlands next week.
  8. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    35+ hours!? I completed the campaign in 12, I didnt do every side mission though so maybe thats why...
    #8 Beefi, Nov 19, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
  9. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Yeh, i'm taking my time, not rushing through. Probably closer to 28 hours though, i exaggerated a touch.

  10. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    yeah, i've started a new character to do a slow play through i just want to play the campaign first.
  11. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I'm now 37 hours through, and still no sign of the end. I'm also heavily customising my party to suit my needs. That means searching everywhere for cool equipment.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    So here's the deal, I haven't bought this game quite yet, and I'm debating between this and Borderlands. I really, really loved KOTOR(1 and 2), but I also think that the more shooter angled RPG games like Bioshock and Mass Effect are brilliant. I didn't think Jade Empire was that great, and I also didn't think Baldur's Gate was that good. Pretty sure that covers all of Bioware's games that I've played. Would I like Dragon Age: Origins or Borderlands better?

    At the moment I'm leaning towards DA:O because the morality and relationship systems in most of Bioware's games have led to great replay value, but I'm uncertain, since it has been so frequently called a successor to Baldur's Gate, which I thought was mediocre.
    #12 Ladnil, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  13. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    The combat is more similar to a KOTOR style, which featured the character's fighting in real time, but you had limited control other than choosing special abilities.

    I myself have not played Borderlands, but if I'm correct it's a more loot based game rather than story driven? Either way if you really like the relationship system, then you would love this. Dragon Age has many quests (one for each party member) and it depends on your relationship with them to unlock the quests. Also when taking party members on quests they will favor, or not favor something you do, so it's even more in depth than Mass Effect, which featured an extremely bland portrayal of relationships.

    While it is called a successor to Baldur's gate it is more of a spiritual successor, in that Bioware is returning to a Fantasy RPG not set in Neverwinter. So I would not worry about them being too similar, because they aren't that much.

    Replayability is fantastic in this, there are 6 different origins to choose from, which significantly alters how the world perceives you, as well as there are many different ways to play through the origins. After you are done with those, it is the same for each character. There are 5 different main quest paths to follow once you finish the intro and the initial incident. And like most choice games, you receive two choices towards the end, each will alter then end of the game. The game is very expansive, and one who enjoys exploring and completing side quests can enjoy a game for a single character lasting 40-50 hours.

    So yeah, it's great, I suggest DA:O
  14. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Thanks for the reccomendation. I'm about 4 hours into Dragon Age now and enjoying it very much. Though I fear it will consume time that would otherwise be spent on my MLG map pack 2 submission, I'm having fun anyway. Glad I started the game playing on Hard though, I cause I feel like if I was on normal I wouldn't ever have died lol.

    I like that there is clearly a good path and a bad path to take through the game, but there isn't a meter measuring how good/evil you are. That makes it far more ambiguous, like real life decisions, and it makes it so that the player(well, me anyway) feels more free to make morally questionable decisions to get a job done, when otherwise the choice would have depended entirely upon whether I was trying to play through as "good" or as "evil." Too bad they kept the old feedback system for relationships, where it tells you the net gain on what you just did, rather than keeping it hidden and forcing you to figure it out like the morality system.
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    OH GOD... I got the Digital Deluxe Edition last night.. and I'm in love. Runs like butter on my computer at completely max settings (AA included). Only played for an hour or two so far but that's all the time I've really had. Looking forward to playing this more. And then, once I'm finished, it'll be time to get some mods for the game. For the first hour or two of gameplay alone my $50 (normally $65 but on sale thanks to Steam) were totally worth it. The best part is that I know there's much more to be done. I think I'm going to play it right now. However, my main con is that your character doesn't speak at all, although in Mass Effect they would. Its not a huge issue, but it sure brought some more life into the person you play as for the entirety of the game.
  16. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I suspect that was one sacrifice they made to get the game to fit on a disc other than blu-ray(PS3 and some PCs). The main character speaking, I mean. Can you imagine how much space on the disc would have been taken up storing male and female voices for all three races for the entire storyline?

    BTW, dog in Dragon Age: Origins >>>>>>>>>> dog in Fable II.
  17. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    ^^^ +the fact that there is multiple different voices per race/sex

    BTW the last boss fight is a disappointment. It was too easy. No spoilers but, I camped. Then mashed the 'a' button.
    #17 noklu, Nov 27, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009
  18. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age: Origins or Assassin's Creed 2?

    Never played any (any at all) of the prequels of the games, but I have played some Bioware games, and I loved them.

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