Dealing with greif

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZombieBiscuit, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Well today ive been quite worried about my dog and has an unatural growth. It has not been confirmed what it is, but im really becoming stressed and worried. It could be a tumor or cancer. An option instead of surgery is putting him down and this makes me incredibly sad.

    Im already beging to breakdown emotionally...

    Is there any ways you guys have gotten through times of greif or any ways you have found it easier to deal with things like this, instead of balling your eyes out with tears.

    I find that if my dog is to pass away i will become so anti social and stay in my room doing nothing for atleast a week.

    How can i get over this?

    Second question:
    The growth is in the lower stomach area. he is finding it hard to move his back legs. He also finds it hard to move one of his front legs. Hes become quite uncoordinated and finds it hard to get up or move, he sometimes even falls over when turning quickly.

    Anyone had past experiences with there dog like this? or have any idea what it could be?

    BTW i am taking him to the vet tomorrow.
  2. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Try to find a hobby maybe to try to keep your mind off of it? If you think you will stay in your room then try to find a hobby outside...or in other parts of your house. Do you plan on still playing xbox if it does get put down? If so put your xbox in another part of your house.

    Eh all I can think of...basically don't think about eventually is going to die whether its cancer/tumor getting put down or dogs are all like they will be getting old and probably die in the next 4 years.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    If the dog dies, don't lock it up and don't put it to the back of your mind. If your sad, it's because someone important to you is gone. That's only natural. Just don't let it affect you too much.

    If the dog dies, whenever you get the chance. Take a moment to yourself and just cry it out, remember the dog or just do whatever you think will get your emotions out.. Take a day to do this. After that, move on. It would be helpful if you have something you need to do. More so to get you back into the pace of everyday life rather then to take your mind off the dog. That's all there is to it. Just take a moment to mourn then do your everyday routine.
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Emotions are always hard to cope with in life, at times they are uncontrollable. Some say we are weak for our emotional attachments, but it is what brings us together. It what makes us strong! You feel these emotions of sadness, because someone you love and care about is not doing well. Like Ady said the best way to avoid feeling these emotions is keeping your self occupied.

    I've had a dog from since I was first born. I know what it's like to lose one, I know what it's like to have one pass from a rare disease, and most importantly I know they are part of the family. I care for my dog as if she was my child. I love my dog and the families dog and they are a huge part of my life.

    If it is your dogs time to go the best thing too do is let out your emotions. Talk to a friend or talk to a family member, but most importantly do not beat yourself up about it. However, I do hope your dog is ok and I do hope you cope with this well. My prayers are with you and your doggy.
  5. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    First of all, this depends on your dog's age and what the vet says. My dog went through alot before she passed (at 13 years old). I just had a conference in church about euthanasia (the act of killling someone painlessly due to an incurable disease). My family had to put my dog to sleep and I felt it was the right thing to do. I established a great relationship with my dog so I know how you feel. Just try to remember all the great memories you've had with him/her and cherish these. If/Once your dog passes please keep these memories in your mind and heart. It was really difficult for me knowing my dog was going to die soon, but after it happened, I realized it was right and she didn't have to suffer anymore.
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Talk to your friends, especially the girls, because they are sensitive and can help you out more than guys can. Maybe it's just a bruise?
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    "I find that if my dog is to pass away i will become so anti social and stay in my room doing nothing for atleast a week."

    If that's what you gotta do, then that's what you gotta do.
  9. The Jewker7244

    The Jewker7244 Ancient
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    the same problem happened to a friend of mines dog recently. he told me in school today it died. hopefully same thing doesnt happen to you but ill ask him what happened to his dog and see if that helps
  10. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Thx for the help a heap guys. I just had a huge breakdown in the shower and it really made me think. Like you've all said why am i beating myself up over something that may not happen soon. I should let emotions out they are just natural. Ill be sad if he is to pass away soon or later in life. (hes 10 years btw) but that is what we all do really.

    I'm always playing my xbox, but since i am extremely hating MW2 and have no money to buy new games. I have not got any new games besides mw2 and am bored of every game i have. Don't know what will happen in that area. For outside stuff sports are not my thing but theres probably something out there. Im finding im just bored and sort of over life. This was before i knew my dog was starting to deteriorate. Im finding myself just bored with everything i used to do. Like i am not motivated to do anything or i just don't care.

    It just sucks knowing that someone that has been pretty much your best friend more than humans. and knows everything about you but says nothing and just listens to you. Could maybe pass away and you'll never see him again.

    Thank you all again. What i really am not looking forward to is if my parents and sister keep him alive. I would rather see him be put down than see him suffering. But i fear my parents will give him surgery or try and keep him alive when it does not advantage him much, just because they think its what i want.

    That post probably made no sense >.>
    #10 ZombieBiscuit, Nov 18, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Buy a new dog that looks exactly like this one. My current dog looks just like my dog that was put to sleep earlier this year. Not that I cried or anything when she was put to sleep, but it almost makes it seem like your dog is still alive, I guess?
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    My Golden Retriever had a tumor on his front left leg. It got so large he couldn't walk and he limped for about three months before finally just lying in the grass all day and never moving. He lived about another month indoors with us before we finally put him down. Your dog probably has the same thing and I'm sorry to say but the sooner you put it down the better. A week before we put mine down we found him laying in a puddle of his own excrement. It's not a life your dog wants to live through. Just be real sweet to him and give him all the treats he wants. Give him people food or whatever. Just make sure he is happy.
  13. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    This, My dad had a dog, his name was tyler. Damn thing was 16 before he started falling apart. He could barely walk because he was fat and had weak bones(due to lack of exercise) and he was both blind and deaf. We found him laying in our dog kennel(we have 3 dogs) with feces near him so we decided it was time. We loved on him and said our goodbyes for an hour, and took him after that. My dad stood by as they euthanized him and we came home and mourned and cried together, let it all out and got on with our lives. It's definitely the best way to go, spoil 'em and they'll be happy, then take them in. I for one would rather die in joy than in complete pain, so make every last moment count. Ah ****, I'm watering up... XD
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Story of my live man, story of my life...and this has led me to getting a job to make some money. So I can be bored and be making money :)? Is that a possibility?
  15. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    That happened to me over the summer, I then went sailing and paragliding and life seemed good again. I recommend (if possible) highly fun things. I understand that the actual grieving is an important part of the grieving process but it is important to move on. Things get easier as time goes by.

    When I first saw the title I thought it said "dealing with grif" and thought I was about to be chewed out for something, then I realized that this isn't the staff forum
  16. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    I spelt the title wrong, sorry. This is all a conspiracy to remove you from existence.

    So far my dogs going well. He's sleeping inside and stuff and of course being spoilt. I think i may have found out what he has to. There has been a dog virus going around my area that affects dogs really only over 10. It makes them unco(sometimes unable to move) and just all around dizzy with really bad flu sorta. Supposedly iy goes away roughly 3 weeks.
  17. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Hmm nice outlook, I kinda like that.
    Death is just natural, it will come to EVERY living thing, wether that be a cell or a HEYOWGE clump off cells, such as a human. Just remember, you may just be pro-longing the dogs life, but it may be in terrible pain, unable to communicate this to you. You may get posotive feelings from your dog being alive but your dog may be in pain, would you feel better knowing that you saved your dog from what? Another 4 years maybe? Of suffering? Yes surgery may fix the problem but the stress of the surgery and the 50/50 chance the dog could not wake up from the drugs used in the procedure. The end justifys the means my friend. Is a week much? Would you prefer to deal with the pain swiftly and think it all over, or hold it in for months stressing you, thinking about it every so often, eventually leading to closure after a while. If you deal with it all at once, you can think about your beleifs about what happens to the dog, should you have done it etc, and within a week you will be feeling much better whereas you could hold it in, thinking about it, blanking it out for a while but eventually you will have to face the subject and this will most likely lead to stress or it just coming at an awkward time. Or you could just use dowwwwwws method of coping which is perfectly fine, BUT IMO isnt great for the people around you sometimes. If others around you are sad from something and expect you to be, and there you are happy as larry then they may just think your sick or think you are being fake and just hiding your emnotions.

    Theres my penny.
  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    When dealing with death, it's just best to remember all the good times you had, and smile because they happened, not be sad for their disappearance.

    The only advice I can give you. I've broke myself in emotions. Whenever I know I supposed to be sad over something, I don't care. I want to be sad, but I can't.

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