wow! so far it looks great but maybe you should have added a few more pix showing other parts of the map. I'm afraid I don't have any name suggestions for now but I'm still eagerly awaiting this map's completion! Great job!
So far this map is looking good and I really like the pipe in the center of the map. I definitely want to see it when it's finished. Names? (No good synonyms for urban damn it) Network Polis
I really like the object geomerged in the middle. It kind of reminds me of Crash in COD 4 or something. I like how buildings are incorporated into a smaller map, so good job! I'll look forward to seeing the completed version of this in the future.
This does look very Call of Duty-esque. From what I see so far it looks well forged; a little small but still good. Like phenomenal said, the first thing I thought of when I saw it was "this is Crash from COD4". You might could name it Crash Site or maybe Collapse or something with that similar theme.
thanks guys, I really liked ehands suggestion of collapse. I ran a search and surprisingly, it has not been used yet. I also added one more picture to the OP
I'm a fan of Crash Site but collapse also suits it well. I see you've made some of the suggestions I recommended. I'm interested to see how it turns out. Also you need to get back to me about the PM I sent you
The map looks really good, but I gotta ask, how many players do you plan on having it support? Because, from what I can see, it doesn't look very big. It seems really good though, I'm going to watch this thread.
It's bigger than what the pictures show. The buildings themselves are well contained so that most of the battles will take place inside of them and the middle courtyard acts as more of an overflow. I would say this could support 4v4 easily assuming that he gets the flow issues worked out.
Would you mind if I got an in-depth look at this map? I'm really interested in seeing weapons, spawns and the like.
yeah ur center piece is cool, i have a map on sandbox that im workin on that has the same structure where did you get ur idea to make it? I got mine from MW2 on one of the xbl maps. Though the map looks really fun though if you would need any testers for it my gt: Travis Havey
The tube is really cool it looks very crash-y i guess name ideas : grounded or ground zero ur somthin like that
Out of most of previews, this seems to be the most promising. For one, you are far down the road of production. Thus far, it looks not only fun and solid but unique and interesting. I would definitely enjoy a game or two to wrap my head around this.
Wow, Used Man, I haven't talked to you or seen our maps for a while and this is stunning. Seriously. The merging is amazing and the drop pod looks sweet. As for a name, Collapse sounds like a good name (it was earlier suggested). Or Breakdown.
Lol. I saw the center structure, and I wasn't the only one who thought of COD4. Name suggestions: Backwash (Off the top of my head.... sortof disgusting) Collapse (I like the sound of this one) Wreckage (Following the Collapse theme...) Exploit (Sortof like explosion, but with a different meaning) Rendezvous (Not sure if it is used, but I think it fits well) Statutory (eh...) I would love to check this out, but I can't be online. Keep it up!
I got a chance to play an 4 person FFA tonight, and let me say, it played really well. Hopefully with the feedback we gave you it'll play even better.
What Noxiw said. I really enjoyed FFA on this. I have a feeling this will turn out to be a great 4v4 map.