Download Link: Lucid A training facility for ODST's before the battle of Reach, which it has been abandoned ever seen the battle. I made this map a while back so if some things are crooked don't be to hard on me, but overall I think that i did a pretty good job on it and if you have any criticism on it please leave it because I would like to make a V2. If anyone would like to test any other maps that I am finishing please send me a message and i will be sure to get back to you. Description: A 4-Sided symmetric map based for MLG. Players: 2 to 6 Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer and MLG Ball Weapons: Battle Rifle x 4 Carbine x 2 Mauler x 1 Frag Grenade x 6 Plasma Grenade x 4 Pictures: Blue Base Red Base Middle Yellow Base Purple Base Inside Blue Base Inside Red Base Yellow Hallway Purple Hallway Hope you all enjoy! Download Link: Lucid
Wow great map i really love the base and the yellow post . Maybe you could add more stuff for the Purple post for maybe a better gameplay . I will download it to view the gameplay and give you more comment . 4/5
^This is not perfectly symmetrical. I recommend remerging the diagonal blocks (and use the grid so it's more even), and moving the block against the middle wall a little to the left. Other than that, the base design is great. I'll have to play a couple games on this and post a better review.
Oh ok i never noticed that...i will have to do that...and i would love to remerge that double box in the middle, but if i try it will have to be luck that straightens it out But thanks for that...i will do that for V2
Try ghost merging the middle box. It'll allow you to do it alot easier than the hit or miss geomerging.
I went back and tried it on a canvas, but it didnt merge as far as it is on the map now...but thanks for that
Well whether or not that works out there were a couple of other things I wanted to point out. -The jump from top mid to blue base works in MLG settings, but the same jump to red doesn't. -Its possible to jump from red side onto the crane which ruins map symmetry. It also allows players to get stuck in the red side gold tower. I recommend blocking it off somehow. -Some of the lines of sight just don't seem to be the same from opposite sides of the map. I'm not exactly sure where the error is but somewhere on the map is a major symmetry problem.
Ok well i will have to re do something things then...this was a map was just sitting there and i decided to put it up...thank you for all that....i will get on it and fix it
Well whenever you get around to working the kinks out I'd be glad to playtest with you. Overall its a great map and I'd love to see team games played on it.
Oh alright sounds like a plan An just to make sure send me your GT and i will add you Thanks again for the criticism
how would you reccomend ghostmerging perfeclty straight though? i find that because the edges are no-longer solid i can never get it straight and i'd love to find out.