I was very wary of this, since the original seemed so much cooler, but despite the shitty character design, this game actually destroys the original. The campaign "HARD RAIN" is clearly the best campaign Ive ever played from either game, and DEFINITELY the scariest.
I'm definitely asking for this game for Christmas, and my friend says its worth it. I was reading this review and it seems really cool and the improvements really seem to be legit: Icrontic Gaming Left 4 Dead 2 review
I watched some gameplay vids. They didnt look that good. is the game better? Also is it possible to keep the levels at night or does it pick randomly?
The game has MANY vast improvements in many categories. I was really disappointed with the characters, the pictures they showed, and the daytime thing. Then when the demo came out, it felt kinda... unfinished. I went and bought the game anyways, and its campaigns are SO much more refreshing. Different objectives. Story. The levels "swamp fever" and "hard rain" capture oldschool feel, while the other levels capture more action feeling. Theres much more variety in this game, and the melee weapons keep it fresh. You have so many combinations to run, and the added infected leave you unsure of whats gonna hit you when. Its faster. The level design is also less Point A -> Point B. We found a few times where we were like... "Okay... soooooo... where do we go?". Its more like real life where you actually have to navigate. Additionally the levels change mildly so you cant just blind run through it. This also makes Versus mode more interesting. Theres a few new game modes as well, which are somewhat entertaining. Realism mode is just the normal campaign mode, but it basically removes anything that would not be there in real life. Friendly Tags, Silhouettes, Popups for new weapons. It makes it kinda way more scary. Also theres Scavenger, which is like a mini game version of Versus. The humans try to gather gas cans, the infected try to keep them from scoring the gas cans. Overall, its just a major improvement. The demo was ass.
I enjoyed the demo. Sure the characters aren't as memorable as the originals, but that's just one part of the vast world of Left 4 Dead 2. I remember when playing the demo that some paths were blocked each time we played and we had to go another way, kinda like a random dungeon effect. I found it pretty cool. Anyways, I'm definitely getting this soon.
i think its a great game. the finales are great since each 1 is unique. i only did the 1st 2 but the 1st is a scavange to fuel a car. i will agree characters are pretty bad but at least theres story around it this time and much better gameplay
Cool sounds good from playing the demo i can say that the combat shotty is beast but it sounds fun and i think im getting it for christmas