YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. Another one Brendon (Scobra) will love, cause he loves all the videos I post here. And you guys will laugh or hate this guy too.
I lol'd. What a douchebag. I think he just wanted to see how "tough" he was by punching a wall which was drywall? He failed at being tough though because he cries like a baby. Just wow...
What kind of human being records himself trying to be tough by throwing weak punches at walls yet cries at the same time from paying for Modern Warfare 2? The kind that wants to create memes.
Haha what a cool kid. You know I can look like a douche punching walls too...get a life and stop crying.
Wow, this kid should learn how to f*cking talk properly before he tries to act tough on Youtube. He reminds me of my little brother, who is not very good at MW2, but plays nonetheless and gets a little angry. However, this guy is way, WAY worse.
Wow what a *****... I laughed but it's kinda sad that video games affect temper this much. I mean, we've all had our little screams and maybe a few "BULLSHITS!" or absurd moments(when hackers r about) but I for one have never physically hurt myself over a game, or cried for extended periods of time...
I couldn't even understand some things he said due to the sobbing. He didn't even care to explain how and why the game sucked for him.