Sandbox War on Iraq

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ImWithStupid, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. elvins97

    elvins97 Ancient
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    I played on Afghanistan with Something., you were even in the game for a bit, why isn't it up on FH yet?
  2. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + F***ing fun gameplay!
    + Its quite epic with large parties (all the grenades exploding, bullets flying, ect.)
    + Fighting for control of things in infection is very original
    + Innovative game overall

    - A little bit to difficult for the humans, maybe you could add a health pack somewhere that respawns every 3 minutes or so, to keep it challenging.
    - You might want to consider changing the name, I personally didnt care, but some arguments broke out in my party becuase of the sensitive topic this map is named after

    Score: 8.5/10
  3. AeroDynamic

    AeroDynamic Ancient
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    Hey, I never got around to seeing your reply, about my comment. I found your post as a runner up in the recent 'Best of Forge' So congrats on that man. I knew this was pure gold when I first saw it. If you ever want to play a game on it sometime hit me up GT:Aero 237. And again, good work.
  4. Robospecta

    Robospecta Ancient
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    I really like how you have tried to make the description not a halo description but a reality description if that makes sense. LOL. Nice map looks well forged, will download now. (If i havn't run out of room from everyone's awesome forge maps ;)
  5. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    now that this has been bumped up, I guess I may as well make a comment. I haven't played on this too much but I play on Afghanistan alot which is very fun. Gameplay gets very climactic with your war gametype, but if I could offer one bit of advice, it would be add custom powerups for health because once you start taking damage you're basically finished.
  6. Slodogk

    Slodogk Forerunner

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    great! but its pretty easy to grenade jump out of there

    perhaps u could fix it?
  7. Robospecta

    Robospecta Ancient
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    Nitty Gritty

    I just played it and thought it was a great infection map. I just have one minor problem, (very minor). As a human if your health gets below normal standard shield (no overshields) you can commit suicide using a tripmine or grenades. Although your shield slowly degenarates again back to where it was before you died, if your shields were flashing red, or your blue shield was half down etc. you can actually gain a full blue shield and have more health then when you died as the degeneration does not go past the blue shield.

    Sorry if it doesn't make sense I had a bit of trouble thinking about how to word it.

    Otherwise awesome map.

    #27 Robospecta, Nov 18, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009

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