I need help with one signature type of effect. I've been making signatures for a while. I hang out with the F2P crew so thats where my roots came from, they taught me everything. However im seeking help with these screenshots made by ildevil Link to his share Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share im talking about the first six pretty much, like how does he get the letters white with differen backgrounds. I know hes using the smoke but how exactly does he get the weopons to stay white and how do you do each background color exactly. plz and thx. yes i posted this on the wrong part of the forums, so i reposted this here. I don't like to pay much attention. :[ plz help. ps i do have all the maps, i can do all the effects but these and de behrs effect so plz help. plz
Well, just saying its modded but because you learned from f2p you might know.(If you dont know its unlimited smoke mod.)
ok if thats the case do you have that modded map bc i have most of there maps but i dont hav that one
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/screenshot-guides/90332-eamonn-blackout-signature-tutorials.html I Got The Map FRrom That
still need help alright i have the correct map i thought i did the whole time but i still need help with the sig
add me my gt is ieamonn Its a pretty simple effect. I cant get all of those. But i know the majority of them. Also those ones de behr has been doing with the Green text and like black backround. Those are modded. The ones in devils fileshare arent though