switch idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by alextrer, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    ive tried a new switch thats pretty cool i would like to share at forgehub the problem its that my gay computer doesnt let me show pics so i cant show anybody.If anyone would like to post it with me it would be great 25 percent of fame and fortune will be his.We all now the switch of a gravity lift (when you shoot a gravity lift that never respawns with a minimum 0f 1 causing to make the other in no respawn till 180,respawn in the map)well i did something similar but new.If anyone is interested to know please message me.(sorry i cant say how is called plus dont send me friend requests i wont accept them unless you wanna forge with me as a partner and dont reply about my grammar im spanish)
    #1 alextrer, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    can you use grammar and punctuation cause I could not understand what the switch was. All I got out of your post was that your computer couldn't post pictures.
  3. XCOnFuSeDeAThX

    XCOnFuSeDeAThX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    r u friggin seri'Ez ¿ / Are you freacking serious ?

    No offense dood but how could you not understand his post? dood he simply said he found a new switch glitch and his cpu is acting retarted and he is willing to show the glitch to anyone.

    Grammar is not necessary if you could understand the post. and im sure you could understand his post :) don't lie to me.
    #3 XCOnFuSeDeAThX, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  4. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Okay "dood", you have no way to prove nor disprove that he could understand the post.
    Not to mension that your grammar could use some touch ups as well.

    On to the actual point of this thread, Im sure you could discribe the switch, it can't be that difficult...
    Also, if you take pictures you could always have someone go to your recent pictures and post them for you.
  5. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    ok ill post some pictures after and if you want adescription here it is: there are 4 crates and a warthog on top of them but oh no you cant drive the warthog because there are some doble boxes aroun so you grab the custom(making the fusion coil fall down into a gravity lift and makin another one appear under the crates making the warthos and crates go up and it ready to drive!(receiver teleporters hold the crates when going up)enough?
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I think I understand this
    You mean:
    Two gravlifts are placed and run time minimum is set to one. One gravlift (A) is set to respawn at 180 seconds after start so when the other gravlift (B) is destroyed the first gravlift (A) respawns.

    This is one of the simpler switches, and I doubt anything new to people on forgehub. Here we usually get into finer points of forgeing that are not widely known.
  7. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Good idea i think its been used before tho (just guessing)
  8. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no thats not the switch but youre close. remember if you want to know send a FR to alextrer.
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think rather than a switch function, your talking about a new way to use a lift?

    This is what i get from the picture:

    An undrivable warthog is stuck in a pit and is placed ontop of movable items. Theres a gravlift placed under the movable items and is set to NOT spawn at start. A custom holds a Fusion coil from a height in which once collected, the coil drops and explodes destroying a gravlift.

    The runtime maximum = 1, so the original grav lift under the crates spawns, causing the crates and the warthog to rise upwards. Making the Warthog driveable.

    So basically, you've designed a lift, thats been done before...
  10. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    This switch has been used many times, it's nothing new, I used it in one of my puzzle maps a long time ago (February)... Sorry...

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