Does anyone have an unused Xbox Live Gold 48 hour free trial code that they would be willing to part with? If so, please e-mail it to me. Thank you so much, I really want to try out Xbox Live Gold. Here is my e-mail address:
If you have money to spare I'd buy a 1 month account, it's around 10 bucks, 20 bucks for a 3 month and 50 bucks for a year. You really cant go wrong with the accounts, you'll have fun no matter what. But I would just try the one month. Since 10 bucks is the average fast food venture or money you spend in the schools vending machine a week these days you won't be missing the cash. If you like it then invest in a 12 month card... They're 50 bucks and are usually 12+1 month(13 months if u do the math). And 50 bucks a year is a lot less than $120(estimated cash spent on 1 month cards a year). So try the one month and if you like it, save up for the year(trust me, you don't have to worry as much about ur time running out). If you don't like it, have fun playing single player ur whole life
0_o and I know they do too because my friend gets a 1month, every month... (what a dumbass right?) but that's wierd ****... mebe target still has a motherload of them in stock or something...
or, instead of buying a card, you could sign up for the month to month option, go to, and turn auto renewal off. hence, buying one month.
i just ask for a one year every xmas, and thats how i get xbl. but once you advance out of the house and stop getting presents, you gotta buy it i guess.