
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kronos, Apr 20, 2008.


Do You Enjoy Playing On This Map (and game variant)

  1. I loved it!

    1 vote(s)
  2. Yes.

    0 vote(s)
  3. It was alright.

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  4. No.

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  5. I hated it!

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  1. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Download:
    Game Variant:

    The Game Variant isn't required, but is recommended.

    Description: Blackened is a recreation of Blackout meant for zombies, or in this case, Panic. I know lots of people have been using the effects on this map to make it dark, but:

    1) I haven't seen any with old-timey on, it makes it darker.

    2) It's not just default blackout, I basically closed off the lift room from everywhere, made it so you have to jump off the side to get to the sword room, added an extra ledge with items on it behind the sword spawn, and placed equipment for lighting for those dark areas, and added new scenery.

    3) I've had a lot of compliments on this map, and anyone who decided right off the bat that they didn't like it changed their minds once they got used to it, which was never over one minute.


    Screenshots (Overview 1 and 2 at bottom)

    Zombie killing someone trying to hide in the center.
    Very, very bad idea on his part.


    Overview (No Filters)

    Overview (Filters)



    1) It may look too dark to really play on, but it's actually not too hard to find your way around, there is a few spots where the zombie can hide good because it's so black, but that is intended, use your equipment and stay near lights if possible.

    2) The structure in the center doesn't look great, but I felt it was necessary, the center is too well lit without it, feel free to make it look better if you want though.

    3) The ledge behind the sword spawn holds 3 Battle Rifles and 1 Regenerator on instant spawn, but it's a risky jump, you may want to practice before using it in an actual game.

    4) The screenshots don't show the map all that well, they're mainly meant to show the effects. In my opinion, the map didn't need to be shown thoroughly, it's mostly scenery changes, with a few alterations, just explore a bit to see what I mean.

    5) Many of you may not like killing yourself to start the game, but I didn't have enough money to make a timed spawn. So the zombie needs to blow up the fusion coils that spawn in front of him/her after 10 seconds. It's not an honor rule, it's a requirement.

    Please Download, Rate, and Comment, Good Or Bad. -Thanks.


    #1 Kronos, Apr 20, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  2. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    I enjoy the idea, but it has been done before. I'll sure give it a DL and maybe comment later if there is anything worth noteing.
  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Yeah, this is an old subject now, i think the filters were a bad decision by bungie, not you*

    and i know theres not much to work with on these new maps so good job.

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