Zapdos Coast ------------------------------------------This is a map I designed with some influence of Jakal's Bridge to use all gametypes. The basic structure is two rocky beneath which are caves and a road curving in an S around the two hills with a bridge in the middle. Any ideas on this map or if I should even forge this are appreciated. No name chosen yet so this is just the first thing I thought of please make suggestions. dashed lines are for underground tunnels smg, Fa, Sg, Iv, and Sw are in the caves and tunnels arrows illustrate paths of mancannons ends of roads should be a double block length higher than the bridge use the key to understand weapon and vehicle placement (all grenades and dualwieldables are in pairs) the spike grenades by the covenant carbine should be plasma grenades. Not everything in the key below is placed on the map!!!
Seem's like a pretty good idea, but your hills etc will have to be scaled down alot due to budget or item limit. Still it'l be cool if you do it, kinda like a COD halo map, a real cod halo map not a remake haha.
Seeing as the road will be a double block wide and this will be all large moveable objects on a budget glitched canvas, there should be enough to go around. I actually got the name for this from the CoD map I had just finished a game of as I designed this. I think i might actually keep the name if no one can think of anything better.
Waaaaayyy to many powerful weapons. I'd limit them to about three or four. As for vehicles, way way wayyyy to many. A Scorpion and Gauss Warthog? I would cut down on them a little bit. Maybe just Warthogs on a really short respawn (Rat's Nest has them on 30) and Rockets as the main Vehicle Killing weapon considering the limited space for vehicles. I wouldn't go with a Laser on this map unless you decide to use Banshee's but I don't think aerial raft would suit this very well. For equipment, it's best to limit maps to about 4 different types of equipment max. Otherwise, combat gets frustrating and confusing. I would say Regen's and Tripmines would be the best bet here with a neutral Bubble Shield on the center bridge. The idea sounds good though.
I have no clue where you got the idea of a gauss warthog scorpion and laser from. None of these are placed on the map if you read the key correctly. Please look more carefully through this to see the weapons vehicles and equipment placed. I planned this to be slightly overpowering, and pushing the limit of the number of vehicles it can support. Edit: plasma grenades by the covenant carbine rather than spike grenades
Sorry, I just glanced at the key and thought that everything in the key was on the map. To avoid confusion, next time, I'd not list thing's that aren't on the map to begin with.
Ya, I was afraid that people might do that, but I have the key already printed out, as you can see it is part of the scan. So copying onto a sheet with the key having only the used objects might cause me to forget parts of the initial design. I should edit the post to let people know about this. Do you have any other ideas for names?
No map is named Coast yet, and despite it having almost nothing in relation to the map it sounds good and has never been used leaving out slowpoke because this might give the false sense that gameplay would be slow with all these weapons.
I like that definitly using it for the name The stuff in you signature is great so you should definitly be working on Miami Nights right now for your change in signature
I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Jackal's Bridge looks beautiful but the gameplay was majorly dissapointing, I hope your map is an improvement. Slowpoke Coast is where it's at, by the way.