Lost Dedication

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Nov 15, 2009.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Lost Dedication

    What was going to be the best zombie defense in the nation has now lost its dedication by those who were eating alive before it was finished.

    Now you get to use what progress was done, and you wont be disappointed.....


    So with the infection continuing to move on with no remorse, you joyfully decide to occupy the best zombie fort in the nation......... Or is it? Bah, you well find out soon. All that matters at this time is stopping the infected from dominating whats left of you and your friends.

    Now let me talk to you about what up with this new and surly big infection map made by foundationz v2 aka roadkill. This bunker is one that i have pushed way over what i imagined, and included as many unique features as I possibly could. In recent maps of minim and also observing others, I came to the since that blocking off parts of a map and limiting areas can hurt and sometimes ruin game play. I also noticed that focusing the game play in one area also cuts fun out, thus making you and your party bored. So what i decided to do is build a bunker map that is not so put together in one general area, and replace it with making the bunker spreed around the map and giving the game play some room to breath. Well let me tell you that this is the best idea i came up with is a very long time.

    Game play is now more roomy, less confusing, and of course just that much more fun than the other bunker style maps before.

    Most of the bunker is taking place in the air with some of it laying on the ground. A parking lot with warthogs that have plenty of room to drive. Never could I incorporate so much in just one map. As for the balance goes, I have yet to be displeased, and fell very confident to release Lost Dedication.


    Two Human re spawns look right at the starting zombies re spawn and put that beginning spine chill. The starting zombies well than walk in the teleporter to find their selves up high over looking the map and its prey.


    Re spawns are spreed out everywhere to allow perfect balancedness and that never knowing where the zombies spawn next feeling.






    Inside the bunk







    Other areas





    The game type I'm providing is the best one i think its for, but this map is flexible so you can use another of your choice. Dint worry about the settings of the game type, ill just say in short that the zombies have Shields.

    Keep in mind that team work is always a must. No matter how good you are, you well probboly die before you kill even one. Ideas and strategy is always a good key to having fun. So please, try and have a good time and Download this map and game type for you and your friends.

    New School Zombie
  2. DeuXenoku

    DeuXenoku Ancient
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    Wow, it amazes me how well this map was forged. It looks well-forged, well-balanced, and it looks good asctheticly. 5/5 and DL from me. But what about a gametype description?

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, but i'm gonna give more feedback later
    #2 DeuXenoku, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  3. MaxpOO95

    MaxpOO95 Ancient

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    I really like this map! sadly, I can't download though, I already have enough infection maps, but from what I can see, gameplay on this map would be awesome! I really like the bunk, and you Implemented the Ghost Merging Technique very well in this map, and all of the forging is clean.
    Keep up the good work!
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wow, this looks really creative! I love how everything looks messy.. yet clean.. I don't know how to explain it lol

  5. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    It's called destroyed beauty these days.

    The map's clean and forged well and it looks really balanced, but I'm not too sure about the turret in the corner. It may be overpowering and promote camping. I don't know. I'll have to see.
  6. Robospecta

    Robospecta Ancient
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    Plays well, and looks nice good work 4.5/5

  7. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Looks very respectable. It's a little too open on the ground which could create unbalanced gameplay, but maybe there is a reason for that. Anyways, good job and a DL from me to see how it really is.
  8. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    I think this is a case of ghost merging gone wrong. (only from the pics)
    The map looks really unbalanced
    A warthog?
    I'll dl and test
    So far
    4/5 Aesthetics

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I don't understand what u mean by ghost merging going wrong.

    The warthog is one of the main ideas for this map, which is why it is open, and since its on foundry, the warthog wont be that much of a problem as some might think of it. sure you can camp in the corner, but i have already seen and killed 2 warthogs camping next to the turret in one of the pics. You just got to know how to play halo, and you wont have a problem.
  10. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    This looks great. It has an awesome creepy feel to it.

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