or funniest. Mine has to be when I was trying to board a wraith and the back popped off and splattered me. Sorry if this has been posted before, I looked around but didn't see anything like it.
YouTube- Worlds funniest halo death ever seen! Something like this happened to me, and I was laughing so hard when I saw the game film.
i once saw a guy stick himself by moving foward and jumping when he threw a grenade i shot him before he did and it counted as my kill
Another funny death happened a few days ago to me, when I was invisible with a shotgun on the pit and was just about to shotgun someone in the back when a random sniper bullet richocheted off a wall and nailed me in the head. And worst of all, my victim got away unscathed
piggles told me in school how a friend of his was playing with him and his friend was doing horrible and then her dad took the controller from her to try and on first try ever shooting in any game got a no scope on him
That lucky bastard.... Mine has to be this... A dude stuck me, and I went through the film as I did(was making a montage that I haven't finished). He threw a grenade but so did his teammate. The teammates grenade(alsosticky) blew up in the air, thrusting his grenade out of it's path and into my freakin face...
well six doesnt like posting but i told him about that no scope and this his response on steam Sixpakvb: I think his worst death is when I killed him with a banshee Jugg blew up with a splazer. it was sooo epic
I got killed by shooting a missile pod and it went across the map and when I spawned killed me. And once when I was sniping on a custom map, I was playing and someone pushed a fusion coil down, I accidently shot it and committed suicide.