i preordered MW2 to be shipped to our house and they canceled my order and never told me. Now i have to go to the store to get it when i should have had it already today, and i cant drive so i have to wait for my mom to get it. so i have to wait until probably tommorow. i am so pissed it is unbelievable. SO, for your preorders, go with somewhere else, just to be safe.
I just went to the gamestop store when MW2 came out. They had extra copies so I didn't even have to worry about preordering!
Your not even old enough to have been preordering for like 5 years Gamestop sucks in general, but they love preorders and don't cancel them for no reason. The person who took yours more than likely ****ed it up.
gamestop is like game in the uk, and they suck over-priced and under-par I WANT MY ****ING HARDENED EDITION
This. Gamestop employees are fail, because Gamestop completely sucks the will to exist out of them and funnels it into halfhearted sales of magazines and movie licensed games and other ****. Just preorder online through Best Buy or something, online orders are almost never screwed up(since you do it yourself), and you get a confirmation email.
Gamestops have different policies. Just because yours sucks, doesn't mean anyone else's does. I have never had a problem with my local Gamestops.
That's right... but you forgot about time travel. ^.^ And I really disagree with those who say preordering is bad. I always get the call, like I did yesterday for Assassins Creed 2, to remind me it'll be out, and stuff. But I agree with Chrst... someone ****ed your order up.
Yeah, and im sure there's more to the story. They wouldn't just cancel an order and never tell the customer. I never preorder games, where i live is a pretty decent sized town so all of our gamestops got hundreds of copies.
Yeah, preordering isn't nearly as necessary as they would like you to believe it is. Its more so they can get a baseline for inventory to know how many to order. For example they know that, historically, a big title game like COD will have maybe 15%(made up number) of its total sales in the first week coming from preorders, so they order that many per store, the number preordered times whatever. You're doing them a favor by preordering, but they want you to think its the other way around. But hey, if you're getting it the first day anyway, just preorder it and let the company know how many they ought to order.
it says right on the site that they reserve the right to cancel orders without notificaton. wahh. cry me a river. i love their policy. i didnt preorder odst, went 3 days after the release, and they gave me one of the sgt johnson downloads because someone who preordered didnt pick it up yet. xD
I take this whole thread into offense! How dare you hate on Gamestop! Maybe your Gamestop is terrible but the one I work at is awesome and I've never had any sort of problem with them. If you can get the number to your District Manager then I suggest you take to them. Then again, I'm being pretty biased about all of this since I work at Gamestop. Don't hate on all Gamestops, hate on the one you go to.
I worked for EB games for over a year, and I hate the company. It's horrible, they treat their employees like **** and have the worst policies ever. The company does not care about gamers, don't let it trick you into this. It's a corporation and cares only about soccer moms who buy wiis
ohh shut up. really. how can you take it offensively. you dont work at that specific gamestop. this whole conversation isnt important. hes just saying HIS gamestop was unreliable. just like others said, other gamestops are dfferent. and i have been to 10+ gamestops in multiple states. they all FAIL. maybe you should talk to HQ about giving out more than $5 for a game i just bought, or getting off your cell phones to let me buy something.
lol... Don't take it into offense... I was joking around, but I guess it didn't come off like that. My bad...
Naw I saw it, but you shoulda been slightly more obvious New gamestop workers tend to be defensive til they realize the place is full of assholes
I've used several GameStops in just about every area of the US. Never have I ran into a bad one. Just because yours is bad, doesn't mean all of them are and just because you encounter it doesn't mean it's exclusive to GameStop either. Every store has its good and bad eggs. No use crying over spilt milk. Even more so because telling people not to use a store on a forum isn't gonna change anyone's mind. You get people who agree and those, like me, who haven't had the problem and are going to either argue with you in vain or ignore you completely. But, as FreshLegend said, it says right on the site that they may do it.