Okay, Im a level 47 almost 48. My favourite weapons are the M16A4 and M4A1 Assualt Rifle. I made this post to see whos the Highest Level In MW2 On forgehub.com. Also has anyone seen a presitage player or a player NUKE a map?
I'm level 41 and my favorite weapon so far is the WA2000. Although I've just unlocked the M16 so I'm guessing thats gonna take me over. I've seen quite a few prestiges and 2 nukes.
my friend got two nukes back to back my favorite guns are the first assault rifle and the intervention
Cool. Im not the only one. I was playing domination on sub base and I was like ya were gonna win the game then I hear a countdown. 8....7....6....5.....4....3....2....1.. F**K BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Game Over. WTF! And the guy was laughing his ass off.
49ish I think. I used to use the M4 the most, but I'm starting to use the ACR and WA200 a lot as well as the Riot Shield. And Glocks, they are too fun. I haven't seen a nuke yet though.
That's impossible to get two nukes back to back, once you get one the game ends... Unless you meant to say that he got a 'nuke' two games in a row. There't not really a boom, it just kinda glides over the whole screen. But im 60, and my favorite gun as of now is the M16 with silencer and red dot. Its beast for HC
Oh teh Ironiez. Me, Orangeremi, and Shad0w were playing Ground War TDM Wasteland, and, unbelieveably, within 3 minutes, Shad0w nukes the map. Next game, the EXACT SAME THING happened. 2 straight games where Shadow uses the nuke, same map and gametype even. Our opponents were calling us cheaters, and were gonna file complaints. They were doing everything they can to stop Shad0w. lol
Note to self: Friend request/play with Shad0w Viper... Also, be sure to talk to Quiga... /End note. Due to work and other little things I'm only a level 20 about to be a 21. My favorite gun to use (Right now) is the SCAR H CQC with the Holograpic sight.
im around 46 now. i like the m16 with silencer and red dot, the scar with red dot, akimbo suppressed glocks, and occasionally the riot shield or WA.
I'm currently a level 30. I use a Famas with an Acog Scope and a Heartbeat Sensor, using the perks Bling Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Steady Aim Pro and a Glock with Red Dot Sight for my secondary weapon. My weapon of choice will probably change as I proceed further throughout the ranking system though.
I'm rank 28 and use mostly assault rifles. I have ACOG for M4A1, SCAR, and TAR. I'm working on FAMAS and just got FAL. Never seen a nuke but one of my friends got a 24 kill streak on highrise and then fell off.
45ish, and M16 with thermal sight. The gun is awesome, yo. One burst on the upper body is enough to kill. I just got my urban camouflage, working on getting the blue tiger camo. I hear the ACR is great, gonna try that out once I unlock it.
Im currently 24 i think, and my favoite weapon by far is the Kriss(Vector). I have been nuked once and have gotten a nuke myself, which was a very good feeling, It was funny what people had to say after that.
I am lvl 39 almost level 40 and My favorite weapon is the famas with blue tiger, acog, and heartbeat, my other favorite is probably the UMP or the WA2000. I could've had a nuke but I didn't have it unlocked at the time, I have been nuked it wasn't very fun because it's like a killjoy. (but it is funny to hear peoples reactions)
I believe I'm a 27, and I absolutely love the M4A1. I've also used the Nuke twice, but on a LAN with a good 8 other people.
I want to boost but then again MEN Play without cheats! Im Now a level 50, almost 51. And Looking for a good team anyone interested?