Guardian Ball 3.0, Grif Blast, and many others in the Noxy Dome.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Noxiw, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So my internet was down for a majority of the night tonight, so I decided I would take the opportunity to do some uninterrupted forging. :) And so far, for one night, it's looking pretty nice.

    Okay, so I'm sure some of you have played my game Guardian Ball in it's original arena or in The Cog Arena, well, I've put alot of thought forward, and with some changes to the gametype itself and how the map works, I should be able to bring in some saucy new gameplay.

    For anyone that doesn't know what Guardian Ball is, I'll describe it briefly: You and a few other people (generally two to four players total) are in an empty round arena. Okay? So what's so great about that? Well, The name Guardian Ball comes from the fact that from four of the walls come blocks shooting out into the arena, and taking out anyone and everyone in their way. Sometimes "the Guardians" get more kills than the actual players. Okay, well that's an exageration, while it's a pretty hectic; fast paced game, it's still balanced enough so that it's not just pure chaos.

    For a more detailed description of Guardian Ball, click the following link.


    Now, where does "Grif Blast" come into play, you may be asking yourself... Well, in the newest arena, (unofficially named "The Cryptdom") a new Grifball variant will be taking place, with the scary flying boxes of doom included. If all goes as I assume it does, it should be unpredictable, addicting, and hours of relentless fun. Also, due to the fact that this arena is noticably larger than the latter versions, it supports all gametypes, but is optimized for Guardian Ball 3.0, Grif Blast, Team/FFA Snipers/BRs/Fiesta, plus MANY other games. (fiesta was a giant pile of fun)

    Download Noxy Dome
    Download Guardian Ball 3.0
    Grif Blast is still a W.I.P.





    Feedbak Nao!
    #1 Noxiw, Nov 16, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  2. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your internet needs to be down more often, Nick.
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know right? This is what happens when I'm cut off from the rest of the world.
  4. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    God damn, I envy you so much right now dude. All I ever end up doing whenever I cut myself off from the rest of the world is jack off and ****.

    Show me this when I get online tomorrow. I lost my portable hard drive full of porn and I need something to smack my beef to.

    Oh, and I'll comment on how it looks and how awesome the forging is (it's made by you, so I know it's forged to perfection anyway.)
  5. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Oh my gosh. ha ha ha.

    I think this is a pretty good map by the looks of it. The walls and everything look nicely interlocked together. I like how you added a slight curve as it went up. That should help from not flying 2 billion ft in the air like what sometimes happens in guardian ball. ha ha ha. I look forward to seething this is the casual section. Good job.
  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    This looks insane as when I DL'd it I felt like I was in a dome. The idea is awesome. This is like a shrine for oddball/griftball! And Scobra, you just made my day with your porn comment haha.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Since i am in the middle of assessing Grifball maps for the next refresh (one of your's included) i will not have room to download this for a few days. Can you please give me the Diameter measurements from the Spawn Area so i can get a better idea of the size?
    #7 NOKYARD, Nov 16, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2009
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Wow, another cool map from you. Not only could i play a good game of guardian ball but it looks good enough to be a sniper arena! This is gonna looks great, finish the roof :)
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Scobra, wow. That's all I have to say...

    chung, yes, that'll help the gameplay alot. I mean, it was fun to see how far you
    could fly in the air, but it was kind of a detriment to gameplay.

    Thanks Phenomenal. :)

    Nokyard, I believe I counted it to be 21 squares across (20 centered, plus a little half square against the wall on both sides)
    heres a picture of the distance from my wall, to the crypt wall. (if that helps you at all)

    Thanks Jumpman, you could always try a game of snipers in here, it might be kind of crazy with the crates. :)
    #9 Noxiw, Nov 16, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2009
  10. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    when this is done im gonna play some instant respawn 4 person FFA snipes on it. set it up for FFA please :)
  11. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I don't know how well it'll work for what you're thinking... There is going to be blocks, flying around, you could try it, and it'll probably be fun, but if you're thinking just regular snipers, it's not going to work too well.
  12. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    Almost everything is fun with summa my friends. But this map looks so well made, I can't wait for it. I also can't believe you made the dome so precise. This looks so fun I might get off of MW2 for it.
  13. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After seeing it in person, I have to say this:



  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, finished it, and I have to say, I LOVE THIS MAP.

    Wish Granted my friend. :)

    Those are the kind of reactions that keep me forging. =D

    New pictures, and a Beta version DL link. :)



    Oh, i didn't mension it's a double dome?

    Nøxy Dome Download
    Guardian Ball 3.0
    Grif Blast is still a W.I.P.

    By the way, it plays FFA BRs, Snipers, Fiesta, and I'm sure MANY other games very well. :) All gametype ready.
    #14 Noxiw, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  15. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    queued for download..

    couple of questions.. might seem stupid though..

    Have you hit object limit/budget limit or used all critical pieces?
    Is there any chance you could create this dome into a multi-leveled slayer map?

    I was actually thinking before i looked at this how crazy it would be to make a slayer map based inside a dome... but you've kinda half beat me to it and I'd no way on earth be able to make a dome as precise as that.. I cant even make a circle accurately :(
  16. used man

    used man Ancient
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    shape it with a respawn area/koth hill. On topic: The map looks amazing in every way. I really would like to help test this, so if you need more people, just invite me.
  17. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I have not hit the budget limit/OLN, I believe I have about 60 or 70 dollars left, but have no idea where the OLN stands. However, transforming this into a multilayered map would prove to be a problem being that I only have 16 OLN spawn points on the map and I deleted the unneccessary ones. I'm going to allow this to be an Open Forge Map (You use the map change/manipulate/do whatever the hell you want to it, basically a dome canvas.) So if you want to give it a try, be my guest. (I still want credit for the dome though)

    I may have to do that, I will do that, I'll add you later. Thanks. :)
  18. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah well.. I'm not really great at forging.. I have great ideas, and no patience. I rush everything and it just annoys me.. I just want to see what the final outcome looks like. I make good maps with good gameplay, but they just look crap and lack that extra thing needed to make them great.

    Anyway back on topic:

    Downloaded earlier.. Had two games on it. The forging is excellent, but I dont like the flying blocks.. They tend to spawn quicker than they reset, so before long, the centre is completely piled with small blocks and the longer the game becomes the bigger the pile..

    Could you not set a run-time maximum to prevent this in a future version?

    Also, I may actually play around in forge on this whilst im getting my isp sorted, and if anything comes about, obviously 90% of credit goes to you anyway.
    #18 Stevo, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  19. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    The flying blocks is the main appeal to this map, and with the correct game types, they add a great element not seen in many maps, moving cover. Not to mension, moving cover that can kill you.

    Again, if you don't want the blocks, this is an open forge, Knock yourself out. However, I myself won't be making a version without the blocks, My fileshare will be really full soon enough as it is. I do suggest however that you try Team Guardian Ball, or Team/FFA Snipers/BRs/Fiesta before you decide to take the blocks out.
  20. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Aye we were doing FFA Snipes w/o radar. But as I said the problem is the moving cover doesnt stay moving for long and begins to pile up pretty quick.. Its quite bad for spawning aswell.. occasionally ive spawn next to a mancannon walked left slightly on spawn and been spawn killed by guardians.. Its quite annoying..

    A small suggestion is to set run time maximum on to 6 or something and have the blocks spawn higher up and drop onto mancannons in the middle?

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