Please give good and reasonable explanations. Score (to be updated frequently): Assassin's Creed II - 5 Left 4 Dead 2 - 9
Assassin's Creed was boring, repetitive, and the game isnt widely still played today, however, Left 4 Dead on the other hand, is still a popular game and has replay value. Thats my personal two cents.
I say get Left4Dead2 cause it has replay value. I say just rent Assassins Creed II cause thats all you really need it for.
l4d2.... multiplayer is key these days, SP games are great but you get bored when you're in a party with a SP game and everyone else is playing the newest MP game you don't have. (and if u get l4d2 for pc theres the mod community)
Good idea lol Can't believe I didn't think of that. Well, I guess it's kinda too late now. It's alright, I can update it.
Left 4 Dead 2 will earn my money when its on a sale on Steam. As for Assassin's Creed 2, it looks to be a borrow or rent.
^This. And I've never been a fan of adventure/action games like that. I mean, it seams to me that all you do is jump and kill. While Left 4 Dead has always had variety in the levels, weapons, tactics, etc. In answer to your question, Left 4 Dead 2.
Left 4 Dead 2. Assassins Creed is going to be a great game, but its going to have little to no replay value. Left 4 Dead 2 all the way.
I much preffer Assasins Creed 2, both Left 4 Dead 1&2 lack a story line which is why I dislike both of them, they both get boring after a while with such linear gameplay and such little variability.
It's all just personal preference, but I prefer an actual story to just killing zombies as they run at you over and over again. That's more repetitive that the original AC ever was. My choice would be Assassin's Creed II.
Assassins Creed II I say that mainly because, L4D was cool, but after a while it got boring. So did Assassins Creed but it had much more story. ACII is supposed to be amazing. I could also play AC more than L4D.
i think you might of started the new one too soon seeing as you said l4d2 won already but posts are still coming in. if its done maybe it should be locked
Good point. I'll see what I can do. Actually, voting has already started on the second one, so I can just take off my first statement in that second thread. Thanks.
I'm in Australia so: Until somebody releases a good gore mod for L4D2, neither. Assassin's Creed was a great game...for the first 2 hours. Once it became apparent that the entire game was the same thing over and over, it got very boring. Combat also got very repetitive. AC2 looks very similar to AC1, so definitely not Assassin's Creed. Left 4 Dead on the other hand, was an amazing game. It really focuses on teamwork, and is a blast with friends. So i would definitely go with Left 4 Dead 2 if I were you, assuming you want a game with replay value.
why not both? it really depends on what kind of gameplay your looking for. If you want a solid single player game with a good story, then ACII. If you want a great multiplayer game with a lot of different gameplay options, then L4D2.