Ok so this is my new Competitive map, Distortion Crooked. I decided on the name Distortion because although this map is Symmertical, it is slightly Asymmetrical with space between certain doorways, rooms being slightly larger, headspace being bigger in some areas so it gives that authentic cave feel. Crooked because it was a suggested synonym of Distortion.... Lol. Basically, I now need people to test this map. I have had two 2v2 matches on this, one CTF and one Team Slayer, but since I've moved for my new job my internet connection sucks. So, I was kinda hoping some of you guys could test it (without me) and let me know what you think. It'd be nice to know what you all like / dislike about the map. Alot of people critized my choice of changing the central point from a circle to a square, but this was done so I had enough items to complete the map. I'm very VERY close to item limit / budget so improvements will be minor, however, all feedback is still appreciated. Old Topic under UnNamed Distortion Crooked Spoiler Please let me know if you want to test this map, I'll send you the map over xbl. Thanks
I thought I would inform you that there is already a featured map called Distortion. While having the same name as that map is fine, I personally wouldn't want to have a duplicate map title. It's your call.
Irregular Awry Wry Askew Crooked Misbegotten Curtailed Contort Twist Wrest Writhe Contortion Malformation Anamorphosis Talipes Teratology
Contortion has been used also so i wouldn't use that one. As for the map, its kinda hard to tell the overall jest of it without an overview shot. Still looks like a good competitive map with corridors and that. Mb update with an overview unless your leaving that for the release?
Please give an overview shot for the overall feel of the map, but from what I can see it looks pretty cool. Just get a new name like everyone says. I suggest typing distortion into thesaurus.com or something and see what comes up.
I can't get the gist of the map from your pictures. :/ I would definitely change the name though, because it's an over-used map name and a featured map here is already named Distortion.
Yup yup yup, i need an overview to understand it :| Next time you edit your post to add more pictures add a good overview. Also, if you ever sign this up for testing you can count me in.
Thanks for the interest guys.. Although theres a problem.. And overview shot wasnt included, because with this its totally pointless.. If you've never looked at an overview of a "cave" map... then its really bad on the eyes... However, I'll post a link to the old thread which contains, old screenshots (with the old ring half way through construction) and the overall map idea from the Overview p.o.v. which might give you guys some idea of what an overview would look like. Where would I sign this up for testing if you dont mind me asking?
in the TRC guild testers guild, or you could ask for testers here because not all maps get a lot of testing there. just send me a PM if you do either because i would like to be in on testing
Cool.. well i was kinda gonna leave it up to whoever wanted to test it to arrange all the stuff... theres not much point me arranging it because i dont know when everyones available.. and I cant really play on my current connection. (im with sky broadband ¬_¬) So If you want.. I'll make a list and add the people who want to, and then if you guys want to test together, then you can arrange it on here.. or you can go off and just grab a few friends to play with?