"A Fragment of Time" is a four part gallery I have been working on for a while. I've tried to widen my range of "scenic" shots and bring in new artistic style. I've still included my classic nature shots, as well as a few abstract pieces, but I've also tried to work in spartans and weapons here and there. Some shots are good, some are bad, some are average, but I've tried to separate myself from the rest. Each part has twenty-five screenshots, with all types of styles taken from many multiplayer maps and campaign levels. I have already finished the gallery and divided it into suitable sections, but I will leave a few days in between each post, as not to bore you. These may be some of my final works, though, so view with open eyes. Austere Theatre Avalanche in blue Dusk entered the garage and the car fell apart References to pop culture End Product of engineers and ink Fourth step to grunge Solace in the weary traveler Dancing ghosts in the Sherwood Forest A call to arms Draw the line Odd one out Frig abstracted Of Voi regimes Someone call the contractor Weave me a warehouse Welcome to the occupation Something was defective Victorian candlelight Down in the valley, they called our names The predator We peered at the sentinel When islands want to coast Close the blinds, the sun is burning me
Wow. These actually have great photographic value. The angles and effects used are fantastic. You should look into real photography. It'll get you places
Wow I'm looking at perspectives I would have never been on a map. I was trying to guess which pic each map came from but all of them just looked so real, I couldn't. Great job and as Hari said look into photography. A great mind like yours can do wonders in art.
I've thought about it. I just don't want to be like every other kid with a camera who thinks he's a photographer. Those kids annoy me very much.
You have a good eye for angles, I say you look into photography. You can take pictures and not be like all those other people. Just don't act too proud, or be too showy. At least grab a camera and see what you can do.