Shield door bridge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lippy, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    So I had an idea for a Skybubble map, and I was wondering if anyone's ever played around with the idea of making a bridge out of shield doors? The idea is that only vehicles could cross it, and everyone else would have to use alternate pathways to get across.

    I through together a rough version of my idea in a couple minutes. Obviously vehicles bounce off shield doors, but if they hit them perfectly horizontally, most vehicles make it across fairly smoothly (the ghost barely even bounces).

    But before I start designing my project (I may ask if anyone else wants to forge/co-forge it, I'm not so good at forging and I have no patience), I want to know if anyone else has tried the shield door bridge idea and if there's a way to make it basically perfect.
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Its an idea that I have thought about, I was thinking about creating a narrow esque bridge where you walk on those plasma shield looking walkways underneath. Course, I was halted by the fact that people fell through it... might try and put walls underneath and just have it as an aesthetic touch.

    Anywho, I think its pretty much required that you have some kind of brackets/border around the edges of the shields to give it an authentic look. I'm trying to think of an object to use for that.. Might have to have a mess about on forge and get back to you.
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    It's actually been done quite a few times on Stand-off and now the trend is starting back up with Sandbox. Sorry.
  4. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    I've seen a map that did this. It worked pretty well. All I can advise is, if they absolutely need to cross it (to get to an objective or something) be sure to have a few vehicles available. On the map I played on you could sometimes fall off the vehicle and die and have no way of getting across after.
  5. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    And before it was on stand-off it was done on foundry.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The shield doors often bounce vehicles to the side unless placed absolutely perfectly. Mancannons actually propell people and vehicles different distances depending on acelleration, and the arc seems to look better. To cover a longer distance the mancannon can bounce the vehicle off a shield door midway. place the mancannon on the ende of a large ramp to increase the difference between player distance and vehicle distance. (mancannons have the added benefit of allowing players with a higher speed to jump across.)
  7. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    As mentioned previously, this was popularized highly in previous maps. It was emphasized in recreational games, such as Fat Kid. While I hate myself for knowing it was used on last stand for that Fortress game, I know it gets the point across that it is well known and is used mostly for infection.

    To Camofo -> Nice Pic, that really took me off guard. It was almost as if you were ready to eat me.

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