This is actually the only thing I've ever made by myself, rate lightly. I couldn't decide between the three versions, so I'll just post 'em all up. Also, tell me if you like how I put my name on the sniper. Stock: Spoiler
These are amazing pictures, my favorite one is the first one, but the other two are just as good. You should really use them and resize them for a sig.
I don't see your name at all, and whats that thing to the right of his head? It's distracting to me. =/ Overall, very nice job! ^^ Keep Up The Good Work!
The upper right corner you mean? I know, the light can be obnoxious. I'm gonna burn that section when I'm not too lazy, in v1 it looks fine though because it doesn't use any gradient maps. And my name is on the sniper rifle, which is once again best visible through the first version.
These look professional in my opinion. The only thing I could suggest is to make ODST look a little better to better fit the layout of the pic. Maybe make it look a little futuristic or something idk. But great job!
My Smudge settings... <3 Like I said, I loved it. My favorite was the second one, but recommend you darkening the lighting on top right corner a little.
I love the 1 and 3rd ones... but I don't like the gold visor ... take that out, and I would love it all...
Nope, not it. If you look in version 2 and 3, above the visor there will be this obnoxious bright area. It's not in v1 because I didn't use a gradient map on that one. EDIT: OH, that's what you want me to fix, not what I pointed out previously, my mistake. Sorry!
i dont see how the smudging can be seen as good because there's a cvlear cut between where its smudge and where it hasnt making it look amateurish plus the visor colouring is a random addition and text on the gun doesnt fit the drawing's stylisation and mood
....Are you kidding? What do you mean there's a clear cut between the smudging and stock. Have you never looked at a signature before? Because that defines about 90% of them. The visors recoloring doesn't honestly stand out enough to be distracting but I still think it gets the focal clear, not "random" as you put it. As for the text on the gun, I can see where you're coming from there, I didn't know where to put my name.
the elbow. see it. see that you can see his actual elbow underneath. this makes the flow from smudge to no smudge less sudden. another example its definitely smudged but its done so you only think its an effect, check the tut in my blog