Since the dawn of ODST there seem to be a multitude of maps including a person startng the game, or even continuing spawning again in a drop pod. So far the only use for this I have found is to give one team more time to establish hegemony over the battle field, or to give people an overview of the map upon spawning. Why do people insist on using this for their slayer maps, and is there really any point to this?
The only time I've ever seen a drop pod used was for things like Asset, ODS3, ODSZ, and so on. I actually like it in those maps a lot to tell you the truth, it really sets an atmosphere. And regardless if it is used in slayer maps, who are you to complain about it? If it's bad, then so be it. The map will suffer and the creator will either learn and move on, or continue making the mistake.
Oh god, you gotta love Forgehub. Kindly point out to me where I was not "being friendly", I merely answered his question with my own opinion. And this my good friend, is why you're not an administrator. Good day.
Just before this I saw a map in the DB, a map preview, and a map I was playing with my friends. All slayer and all using drop pods. I think this might become like ghost merging where people think it makes their maps good, even though the drop pod is just two barricades that fall apart after dropping a few feet.
Ohh my, if I were an administrator I would get ur nose out my ass, whipe it and send you on your jolly little way. I dont see how saying, stop bitching is untolerated language. Anywho, I really like drop pods and how they are made, I think they could be srsly improved on tough, I have an immense ideas for a map, the players would drop from the drop pod (competetive team BTW) and would land in their bases. Then whenever they die they spawn in little tubes in the walls ill show. ________ l__l The long line is a wall, the 2 straight lines are also walls, and the back, you geussed it a wall. The inside is hollow and players would spawn randomly around the map in them and they will drop down inside the tube where at the bottom is an opening, where they can walk out and fight. It would be a pretty fun spawn really But yeah I think drop pods could be used in competetive maps.
Ell3ment and I just finished our Drop Pod/ Hornet Drop canvas for the Asset gametype. I'm gonna post it tomorrow after we make a guardian-blocked canvas too
I have never seen a drop pod used in slayer. (though that might work for some 1 life per round Gametype.) One reason why theyre used is, well, because theyre cool, when you drop in them, you get that brief sense of awe, like in the first cutscene of H3 ODST. And its fun, and realistic, and adds a cool aspect to the game. That is total Bullshit, what he said is completely tolerable, and in my opinon, correct. if i a were an administrater I would have you temporarily banned immeadiately.
NO more flaming in this topic... or I'll actually get one of those mods in here... So I agree with it is a trick that should be used correctly and properly in each game setting. I do not agree with repeating game setting were you re-spawn and continuous drop into a map. But at least how Gunnergrunt is using is a wonderful creative and fun element....which is exactly what it should be....
Why is it that people are so argumentative about this. I understand how this can be used. You have the right to put this in Asset games where it really belongs. Also people have not seemed to find the drop pod created out of three damaged collumns capped with tiny blocks. I just made this and it stays together from above the towers (yes outside sandbox) all the way to impact where it harmlessly splits apart. I actually have started thinking of these for dropping players into ruins in sandbox to attack a central base. I still do not understand however why people would use these to drop a small distance, especially in the crypt. Edit: drop pods? in the crypt? really?
Who are you to tell people how to talk? And your not an administrator so you dont need to go around acting like one. Another thing, calling someone a ***** is a warning or maybe an infraction, banning them is way to harsh. I agree with both of you, if the creator wants to add it, let him, and criticize him if he asks. But on the other hand, I have only seen them in a few maps, its not like their getting out of hand.
I agree with rifte and multi. The atmosphere of the drop pods is a very fun way to start a game and set the mood. I actually like it when I take damage from the impact. It makes it all the more realistic! I don't think a few columns would give the same feeling