Whats Pre-DLC? I know this should be a question for anyone new to forgehub but I have a mental blank.
I think we need to expand the Forge dictionary ... PreDLC is a term used for any map bungie released on the same date they released with the Core game back in 07. Those maps have only a few Unmoving objects and generally it is a very skilled task to forge on those maps. WE usually make note of the difference... Any more questions PM me or Forge Discussion often answers many of these types of questions... Glad your seeking to know thou... Happy forgin...
Pre-DLC means the maps that were on the original Halo 3 disc, so the maps that can not be downloaded from the marketplace. DLC means Downloadable Content if you didn't already know. The Pre-DLC maps are as follows: Construct • Epitaph•Guardian • High Ground • Isolation • Last Resort• Narrows •Rat's Nest • Sandbox • Sandtrap• Snowbound• The Pit • Valhalla
Sandbox? Please know your facts before you post. Too sum up, PreDLC means literraly before DLC. Now, request for the thread to be locked to prevent spam posting.