K wasnt sure if this was exactly right for gaming discussion... but are there any decent, cheap, surround sound systems that can work with a non-flat screen hd tv, and an xbox 360, without haveing to get a ton of extra cords, adapters, etc?
How about a headset? You can get either wired or wireless systems...I know lots about them, can answer most questions.
i thought about a headset, but then when i played on live i couldnt use my headset for communication.
funny you should ask really, my friend about 2 hours ago was wondering the same thing. If you find out lemme know so I can tell him to ok?
if i wear a surround sound headset, how am i supposed to wear my live headset to talk to people? how would i hear them with the sound blasting into my ears? what im saying is it would be easier to get speakers, but i dont know what to get that would be easy, but decent.
whoa. thanks. id still rather get a regular speaker set up, but if i cant find one ill def. get that. but if anyone knows any good surrond sound speakers that will work with the basic 360 av cord, plus whatever the speakers come with please tell me.
You'll need an optical cable to use the Trittons or Astros, I use the Trittons personally. You might find the Turtle Beach X41 (Turtle Beach - NEW Xbox 360 Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset - Ear Force X41) a nice wireless solution, if that's what you need.
Yeah, you can definitely get a cheap surround sound system, it's definitely a better choice in my opinion then getting some expensive ass headset for video games. My dad bought a really nice surround sound system not too long ago for like $120. I looked it up for you since I'm actually looking in to getting one too. So yeahhh. Here: ONE TWO THREE That's only three I gave you to look at ranging from $94 to $194, yet there's got to definitely be a ton more of cheaper systems. Those are only from Best Buy and all stores are different, so if you look at other stores I'm sure you'll find more of a variety.
EDIT: alright. im looking at the SONY one. what extra cables would i need and will they work with the basic 360 av cable?
Of course it would work with your 360, yet I have no clue what else you would need... I'm sure you could figure that out yourself once you get it, and if any thing it will probably cost little to nothing, or you may not even have to get anything additional.