Fort Eagle

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MONSTERheart, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    So I decided to get off my ass and learn how to ghost merge. So I did. I've spent maybe... 1-2 hours so far on this map? Anyways, the map is an asymmetric one bomb/one flag deal. There's a big hollowed out mountain in the middle, and the attackers spawn out in the desert (Guardians are blocked). I'm thinking of having the bomb/flag plant spot down in the crypt (where the teleporters go) at some sort of aesthetic computer mainframe type deal. Yeeeah...

    Anyways, some input would be nice. And if anyone feels like offering some help (preferably someone who's good at ghost merging or aesthetics), than go ahead and say so.

    Also, don't comment on how sloppy the walls are. It's a mountain. Mountains are not smooth.

    Eventually, this entire thing will be covered.

    Front Gate[​IMG]

    Some sort of reactor thing. Another entrance into the mountain through a chimney.

    The chimney in question.
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im really not sure whether this is counted as spam...

    But two words: Ouch Man.

    It looks worse than sloppy.. Its looks like youve just dropped all the objects on the map and left them.
    Structurally, it would be a good idea, but you need A LOT of stuff to fill that random hole in the middle.

    Have a look at other maps on the site, take note of what works and what doesn't then try to include them in your map as well and see what happens.
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I have to slightly agree with Steve. But first, steve, did you read the top post? He wasn't going for clean structures, he was going for a rough mountain.

    But while technically this is correct, you better give some heck of a presentation. Most players upon seeing something that looks unappetizing instantly have that youch feeling. Even when told to ignore aesthetics. If you can convince players that the gameplay makes up for the looks, go for it. Otherwise, I'd start learning carpentry, I can tell you're going to need a lot of it.

    Here's some tips to keep that mountain feeling, and stay neat and pleasant:

    1. Keep each level of mountain a flat or rounded wall. You have holes in your walls. Those are terrible eyesores.

    2. You can have each block be at a different height, that looks correct if you follow rule one, just remember to keep the bottom of the next layer inside the last, so the inside is round. Even in a mountain chunky insides are very ugly, EXCEPT IN

    3. THE TOP PART OF THE CIELING. It is the only part of the dome that should have stalagtites sticking out if you will. I still recommend making it flat first though, and then placing extras in it.

    Now, that is the easy route. Here's the shorter and more difficult professional route:

    1. Make a perfect Dome. Sounds easy? Think again. Blocks don't curve. Making the inside and outside perfect is a real challenge.
    2. Place blocks and geometry jutting out in certain spots. Preferably those that help gameplay.

    Shorter instructions, takes longer to execute. Kapeesh? Hope that helps.

    One last note. How about a hole in the very top. One the attackers can drop in from. Or perhaps multiple holes, as to prevent camping. Right now it looks like you only have two entrances. That's really easy to defend. You can also make it though so other ways in open after time, if you would like to add a challenge.
  4. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    Well, okay yeah, it's pretty ugly right now. That's kind of why I need some help to just roughly dome it up. Of course it looks empty. I've already visualized it in my head, and I'm pretty sure it will actually look really cool once I get the dome up. The finished mountain side will look like the side in the last picture.

    Maybe I should have said this before, but the inside won't just be a big, empty chamber. I'm going to build lots of passageways, in addition to the crypt part. You may notice that there is a turret and rocket on top of the front gate. I'm planning on having little outlets on part of the mountains to place turrets for... well... defense. And about there being not enough entrances: There is a smaller gate that I didn't take an exact screenshot of. You can see it in the first picture. Also, I will be putting more smaller entrances for people to drop into.

    But yeah. I have to agree with you when you say it's ugly. (so far).
    #4 MONSTERheart, Nov 11, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  5. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    I like the idea of a hollowed out mountain. It made me think of the Hobbit and the goblin layer in the mountain. If you played the hobbit game (QUALITY VIDEO GAME :)) which was on gamecube years ago you get a better feeling of what i mean. But maybe like a mineshaft deal. On to the map so far. You have a great idea and a bad try. Either give it a facelift or completlety start over because so far its ugly.
  6. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i know what you are going for... i made a hollowed out cave and i think aethetically its very good. you can look at it i think its in my sig its called artichoktual. im not trying to promote my map i just think it would be good for u to look at it. so since i know what your trying to do, so far its looking rally good. just make sure thats its totally random, and that nothing is repetitive. cause a mountain is random. and make sure its smooth. i made mine so the terrain looks like you cant walk up some parts but you can walk everywhere kindof like that distortian. so recap, smooth, and random. like i said so far its looking pretty good so ignore the "sloppy" comments because i dont think they know what your going for exactly. good job so far.

    P.S. its your map but most caves dont have chimneys or reacters. i would consider taking that out or fixing it up. thats the only sloppy part. becuase a mountain is supposed to be sloppy. but if a reacor would be built into a mountain it would be cleanly forged and not sloppy.
    #6 cowboypickle23, Nov 11, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The rocky surface thing is a good idea, but this looks sloppy and probably would not play well. I would really like to play this "hollow mountain" type map, but not this one. To see what this should really be like look at "The Hollow". Its a great map and should guide you in forgeing. Also please look at some other maps to see what good forge maps are.
  8. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    Dudeeee i was already making a hollow mountain thing in my spare time. ive worked on it like three times in the past few months so somebody was bound to use the idea. just lettin you know, cuz im out of school for a few weeks and gonna try to finish it up. just thought id letya know.
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Ladies and Gentlemen Remember this is a map preview, not a finish work. Please re frame from classify something sloppy just from pictures.

    A multi-layer map sounds a very challenging idea. I am simply counting your object use Becareful of not overing doing the mountains natural look. You may need those objects on other portions of your map.

    I'm very intrigued by your map.... can't wait to see it progress.
  10. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    I got some more work on it done. Uh... yeah. For those of you that said that it didn't look really mountain like, I worked up most of the front face of it. I'd say it looks fairly mountain like now (sorry, didn't take a good overview shot of the front gate side). I also got rid of the walls, as you can see.

    Additionally, I decided to put a stationary wraith up on the top of the mountain. Does anyone know what a good object would be for making circles? I want to protect the wraith from any ranged attack, so I need to make a barrier that blocks the view of the wraith from the round but doesn't make shooting it awkward.

    And I still want some help, if anyone feels like it.



  11. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    real sloppy

    ok a little sloppy u could make some better designs

    ok a little sloppy but u could make some better designs
  12. SaytanicHorde

    SaytanicHorde Ancient
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    Nice double post! in a single post, too!

    anyway, I could help you in my spare time, if you wish.
  13. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    Did some more work today. Well, a lot more work today. Still looking for some help from someone that can ghost merge quickly/efficiently. This will probably be my last quick update.

    The backside

    The frontside

    The front itself

    Good thing I'm using a budget glitched map.
  14. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Wow this looks great. If you need help with ghost merging, add me as a friend. My gamertag is anuv123. Now about the map. I personnally feel that this has been the most original looking map in a while. IT looks very creative, and I cant wait to see what it will turn out like. Now what are you going to do about those sides of the mountain? You should definetly carry out the idea of the attackers falling through the Holes in the mountain. Well thats all I have to say. Nice map!
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Ok this is looking much better; more than just a ring on the ground. Problem is though the wraith wil not be able to cover the front gate well because it has trouble shooting downwards at such an angle and the gravity of the tin cup may prevent it from turning.

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