Hey guys i need some conformation on whether this rumered glitch works or not. The glitch goes: 1.open the forge menu list and select double box closed and grab and drop until theres only 1 left in the list. 2.have a second controller or a friend bring up the list in forge at the same time as you and on the count of 3 you both try and grab it and you will have a copy of that last remaining doble box closed. ----------------------------------- So is this glitch legit? if so did they patch it up and thats the reason i get the error msg saying "Couldn't create object not enough space" ? And is there a working extra item glitch tutorial out there? not the budget.
Even if it is legit... wouldn't you only get one extra object? Edit: It'd be cool if you could do this with a flame thrower, tho.
I will try to see if it works, I have never heard of a glitch like this. And the reason you get the text that says not enough room is because you're spawning it in an area with little room, it happens all the time on foundry.
Yes it works. I've seen it. Only one object counts for position however. It only saves one object. Sorry to rain on anyones parade.
This does seem possible, but I'm not sure if it is. I would think that if such a glitch did exsist then it would be a sticky or in the forging 101 forum. I'll have to try this myself to see if it works or not. Nice concept though.