Map Title: Oddball Arena v2 Improvements: -added a lot of cover -added a mauler, spiker, smg, and plasma rifle. -also added four plasma pistols -ditched the obnoxious fusion coils Recommended Gametypes: -oddball -team oddball -slayer -king of the hill -territories -juggernaut Download Map Download Sniperball Variant Screenshots posted by Nixaguy are of the original map. New Screenshot 1 New Screenshot 2 New Screenshot 3
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This would be cool for grifball or something of that sort, but for oddball and king of the hill I would add some cover. i understand you want a "fast-paced gameplay" but this would just get boring with nothing helping you hide.
that certainly looks very neat, but i see no reason why it would be used instead of a foundry or crypt court. if you put that much effort into a map, i would advise adding a bigger intensive to DL it. give it something that has never been done, or at least not as well. as for now, i think i will stick with standard griffball courts. also, Phenomenal is right. this would suck for KotH or oddball. it would certainly be fast paced, but it also would take no skill and would be a giant cluster****. there are some people that like those kinds of games, but in my experience they are tedious and boring.
I see no need to download this as I can simply modify my grifball court to support oddball gametype. This has nothing better than the standard grifball court, and the floor is even bumpy on your map. Remaking a map that was perfect to begin with, and was even on a map that more people have (foundry is free, not everyone has sandbox) is pointless; just like the thousands of octagon remakes. Also, please follow the rules for posting; people will not always post pictures correctly for you.
Im gonna remove my picture since you updated the map, but get a photobucket account, and upload them yourself