Whats your worst scar?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BAMFthesenior, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. xHaRl3y HaVoCx

    xHaRl3y HaVoCx Ancient
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    My worst scar is when i was like seven I play fighting with a bunch of older boys(14-16) they knocked me across the room onto a weird table with what looked liked door knobs sticking out of it. anyways i hit one of them on the table with my head and it made a circle gash on the back of my head. I didn't feel it and i didn't know what had happened until one of the others boys started freaking out. I had to get one staple to close the gash i still have a scar can't really see it though because of my hair.

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    i broke my arm on july 13 2001 on a friday it broke in 6 different places and bones came through the skin and gave me a pretty awesome scar when i move my fingers ot wiggles like a worm
  3. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    glass in the eye? that sux dude!

    here's my story.

    it was a bright sunny day, and me and my friends were out skating. we were feeling pretty brave and i decided to try this huge rail over by the elementary school. long story short i fell off the rail, but as i fell i twisted in a way to land on top of my skateboard with my face. the edge caught my front 6 teeth and rammed them all the way up into my nose. i cant remember much after that, i woke up in the hospital some hours later. they managed to get the teeth back into place, but i have this knarly scar from my lip to my nose.
    i dont skate anymore.
  4. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    My bellybutton.

  5. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I put a rock in a water balloon launcher, pulled back as far as I could, and let go. The pouch was scrunched up so it came back and hit me in the chin. I was bleeding everywhere, but my dad made me wait to go to the ER because 'he wasn't going to take his kid to the ER before he goes swimming on his vacation'. I was at the lake house for less than an hour. I couldn't swim that week. On the bright side, I have 15 different stories for it to confuse people.
  6. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Well let's see, I've got two scars (one on each knee) and I've had glass go through my left knee aswell so I can explain them all in short stories :D
    1st Scar: The Worst- This happened on a Friday while I was in grade 5 at school. Being the silly child I was, I loved to wrestle with my friends. So at lunch we were wrestling, me doing my usual cheap shots to get the advantage. As I kick some kid right in the A-hole I get jumped by two fat kids. I end up being crushed and a stick is driven into my left knee. They get off me I jump up ready to whoop some ass. I decide to check if I'm okay before I go back to my tactics. Lift my leg pants up and there it is, a five centimetre hole in my knee. I immediately **** my pants and go to the office. I cried like a ***** the rest of the day.
    2nd Scar: Nothing important- This one was pretty stupid aswell. I was walking down a hallway in my house, tripped and for some ****ing stupid reason there's a piece of glass on the floor. Luckily it was very small and I was not in need of stitches.
    3rd Scar-Another wrestling mishap- Yep again with the wrestling. Two years ago I was at my sisters house, I thought "hey, I think I'll play around on the trampoline that is clearly too small for me." So I get in do a big front flip and bam, knee hits a metal spring a takes a piece of my knee. I didn't tell anyone :D
    There have been more tragedies with that trampoline after that accident aswell. My testicles will never be the same again. :C
  7. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    My worst scar is from when i was ten. i was at a family reunion and my cousin brought his dog and tied it up. me and some of my cousins my age were playing and went past the dog and it attacked my leg. luckily it only bit once. and the scar looks like a smiley face lol
  8. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    That made my lolz of the day.
  9. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    I ran into a bush when I was younger, now I have a quarter-inch scar on my cheek. Lol. But if you want to hear a better story I'll tell you one about my friend. We were at some carnival thing that comes to town every year. Our other friend just ate a jumbo hot dog, large fries and dranks two cokes. He then announced he was going to ride the "Big Drop," (or whatever it was called) and of course we thought he was going to blow chunks, so we wanted to watch. Were standing next to that on ride, "The Fireball" For those of you who dont know this is what it looks like:http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1373/1455476702_203b10ee74.jpg (Im too lazy to embed right now). So were standing there, watching our friend, and as if it were all in one second, I turn to my other friend, here and loud clanking sound, and he just collapses. I go look to see wtf hit him, and its a wheel from The Fireball. We tell the man to shut down the ride because a wheel fell off, and I look at my friend to say "Holy crap, are you okay?" In pain he says "Yeah, I think so." The some chick behind us is like "OH MY GOD! YOUR HEAD IS BLEEDING!" He reaches back, and sure enough, it was. We rushed him to the EMSs at the front of the park, and he had to get 12 staples and something like 20+ stitches. He's lucky he has a hard head or he couldve possibly been killed.
  10. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I don't have any really bad ones, but i have one on my elbow from football when a scab got ripped off.
  11. lemonlime

    lemonlime Ancient
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    i was 6 at the time and it was the 4th of july and a sparkeler fell on my arm pit and set it on fire so i ran around for a minute and the fire was out.
  12. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Ugh i have a dime sized scar on my right middle finger

    STORY: Okay so i was playing hide and seek (which i am PRO at) and i ran away after a half-hour of remaining in my hiding spot inside a huge oak tree i hollowed out to make a small underground den type thing and i climbed up a ladder i made out of the wood i hollowed out from the tree and i jumped out and i ran and tripped over the roots of another tree which left a centimeter deep hole in my middle finger, a cut on my ring finger and three smaller cuts on my pinkie... the middle finger bled for about half hour
  13. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I have a scar above my left eye from hitting it on a table when i was little but it is hidden by my eybrow.
  14. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Was playing baseball and I was backstop, the batter mis-hit and spun the ball upwards so I go to catch it and crash into another fielder, we were both looking skywards and no- one gave us a shout :/

    So we crash into each other and smack heads, his top two teeth go through his own lip, taking a chunk of it off, and into the space just above my eye and just below my eyebrow. Gave me quite a deep gash and came to seconds later in a pool of blood, so we both took an ambulance to the hospital. Him with a piece of lip in his hand and me with a blood stained sports kit and inch long cut. Still, we missed double science that afternoon.
    #94 oh knarly, Nov 14, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2009
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    In 8th grade, I went snowboarding for my second time ever, and I decided I was a badass. So on the easy slope, I tried to pick up speed, and then noticed I would have to do a toe-side turn(always the harder of the two sides to learn.) Instead of slowing down first, I just went for it, and fell forward, throwing my arms out to catch me.

    Next thing I know I'm in a world of pain, my arm is bent at 90 degrees between my elbow and my wrist, and nothing will make it stop. The x-ray is seriously brutal, it looks like my arm is simply cut off and there's somebody else's hand lying there next to it.

    Doctors fixed me up pretty well, for the most part. I've still got the two tiny scars from the pins they set my bones with, but the worse scar is the fact that my ulna curves inward significantly more than my left arm. You hold the two next to each other and my right arm is way more concave than my left.
  16. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    All I have is the scar on the knuckle of my index finger of my right hand. I have no idea how I got it. I just looked down one day and found that I had a scar there.
  17. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I've got a scar on my forehead. It's closer to a dent in my skull though. I tripped down a staircase (this was in 2004) and smashed my forehead on one of those metal things that the sliding doors… well… slide on. Next thing I know I've got a bandage around my head for three weeks.
  18. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    1.) The day before my birthday about 4 years ago, I was racing bikes with my friend down a large hill, and evidently fell off my bike while racing 40 miles per hour my bike tripped over a log and I was sent flipping 10 feet into the air. When I landed I had a concussion, 30 stiches in my knee, and 30 stiches in my chin. Not my favorite birthday in the hospital...
    2.) On Christmas Eve, I went sleeding in my bakyard with my brother. We built a huge ramp to jump off. So, with my sled I went first, jumped off the ramp, and was flying through the air. It was awesome until I reazlied I was heading into my mother's garden with many rocks. I jumped of my sled, and eventually my knee struck a rock so hard making a large hole in my knee and cracking my bone. Christmas on crutches...
    3.) Last year, I was in school and as a joke this senior grabbed me (because I was a Freshman) and put me in a large closet. Stupidly, I tried to push my way out with no success. Eventually, I heard teachers telling the senior to stop, so I feel its ok to open the door now. I open the door sticking my hand out and the senior, with all of his bodyweight, slams the door on my index finger nearly amputating it. I had to be rushed to the hospital, and got 30 stiches circling my finger and 4 broken bones. And worst of all, I couldn't play baseball that season :(
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    1. I was twisting off the lid on a can of beans.. for some reason I decided to hold the sharp side of the lid and my thumb slipped... I looked down and blood was gushing out of my thumb... turns out I cut it about half-way through my entire thumb. I got stitches.
    2. My brother hit me with a golf club on accident. We were down stairs playing golf while my parents were gone, when I had the brilliant idea of stepping out of the way as soon as my brother swung the golf club.. Well, I was too slow, and he hit me square in the head. I got stitches.
    3. I was wearing socks while chasing my friend around my house, when all the sudden I slipped and hit my forehead square onto this giant, solid steel railing. I got stitches.
    4. I was taking my dog for a walk while wearing roller blades when I was 8 or so, when all the sudden my dog starts running down the sidewalk with me holding onto her leash. Well, soon enough I hit a crack and was being dragged on my bare knees by a 80 lb golden retriever.
    5. I'm allergic to bees.. so one day my brother (the same one who hit me with a golf club) decides it'd be funny to hold a bee above me while I'm sleeping by a pool with only my swim-suit on. Of course my brother had no idea I was allergic at this time... so he dropped the bee on my face. Well, I was stung in the ear, I became dark blue, couldn't breath, and I almost suffocated to death.
  20. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    im not sure which is worse, but i have two scars on my face/head. one starts probably 2-3 inches from the right corner of my mouth, goes along my face, and up around the back of my ear. Then i have another one that starts about an inch above my right eye, and curves up to the center of the top of my forehead, and it goes back along the whole top of my head. car accident 4 years ago.

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