I rock a Scar with Holographic sights and FMJ, or the M16 with a Heartbeat Sensor and a Holographic Sight. I experiment with other guns a lot too, but i find myself coming back to these set-ups, they've earned me a nice 1.70KD (was 1.90 till i played headquarters lol)
I kinda' wish they did more with perk unlocking. Instead of going straight to pro, maybe they made it have 3 different pros you could unlock? Like with Sleight of hand, you could get just straight up faster reloading, less recoil or less sway. Kinda' like a perk tree.
I find it easier to get headshots with the acog so I don't really worry about the penetration effect of the fmj. (That's what she said)
I use a SCAR with an ACOG scope....with a SPAS-12 secondary and a tactical deployment and a smoke grenade. I rape. Srsly. Like, i go on a ****ing amazing kill spree and then i need to hide and take a few minutes to use up all the killstreaks i earned
Sick ****. Does nobody use pistols anymore? My usp kicks ass, but i just got the 44. magnum. Gona try and get tactical knife for it.
intervention needs powering up and the fmj challenge shouldnt be penetration kills just more than 40 would be fine
To me, it seems like they upped the damage, the firing rate, and the accuracy of the pistols to balance out the other secondaries. The only other weapons I find that are comparable as far as range is the ppsh and the g18, although I think the pistols still have better accuracy. At the end of the day though, I feel that pistols aren't good multi-kill weapons and that their only real advantage is how quickly you can switch to it in case you get run over and can't reload fast enough. I really want to try a usp silenced with red dot though.
That would be tricky because you can't get red dot. I just got Bling pro and i'm up to akimbo, so i can have dual fmj usp,s or dual silenced. I'm considering moving on to the 44 magnum and getting tactical knife.
So far, my best class has proven to be a tie between M4A1 (Bling) Heartbeat Sensor, Holographic [urban ] and the SCAR-H silencer. My secondary weapon for every class is always the G18 silenced. -Went 22-3 using the G18 and my M4A1.
The dot on a holo is a circle with a central dot, and the dot on a red dot is quite blurry, so you could argue there that the holo is more accurate and easier for headshots. However i am quite sure that an emp doesn't effect a red dot, and it would remove the dot from a holosight.
emp is rare though, but i always have an imaginary dot when its gone you could always just stick it to your screen in any case
EMP does effect red dot. But that rarely bothers me, as I use a silencer most often as my attachement. So EMP doesn't affect that. My favorite thing to do though is use my akimbo glocks. I have gotten really good with them, and often use them more often then my primary weapon.
I think the main difference between holo and red dot is preference. I would prefer using holo in close quarter situations and red dot in long range fighting. So, for my famas and m16 I would use a red dot. But for scar a holo sight. I like acog on tar, acr, and fal. I've never liked the ak.
So...I was playing through campaign, and I was thinking to myself... "well if I scope the M14 it'll essentially be my Dragunov, albeit slightly slower, and I can just use that until I unlock the M21" OH WAIT...THERE IS NO ****ING M14 IN MULTIPLAYER. ****ers.
Essentially, it got replaced by the FAL. So, technically you could still do that same situation, use the FAL up until you get the ACOG/Thermal Sight on it, and use that until level 56 when you unlock the M21. Odd that they have the Dragunov in Single Player but not in Multi, but that got replaced by the WA2K, so you could use that. Anyways, since everyones talking about their favorite setups and such, here's mine. SCAR - H FMJ Heartbeat Sensor Urban Camo M9 (Just got it, so nothing on it...yet.) Bling Pro Stopping Power Pro Steady Aim Pro BTW, I went 41 and 9 in two straight games the other day by just using my Scar with that setup but with the USP.45 >=) EDIT : @ Matty : I use my Pistol ALL the time, I ****ing LOVE the Pistols. A few times, I got a Harrier with just my Pistol. xD