I would like to bring to everyones attention that I originally made this map, not the infection varient but the map that this is built off. Grim did not ask permission to build off my map, nor did me give me credit. The original map is in my sig. if you don't belive me. And like I said on page one, not that anyone payed any attention, this map is a repost that is why he has over 1000 downloads, NaRmA. THIS IS NOT ADVERTISING THIS IS GETTING THE CREDIT I DESERVE
yeah wat stops the humans from camping on the dock for the whole round. and if you use a custom powerup you can still make it kinda dificult to kill the JAWs. but itll stop people from beating him down. or maybe yo could use the idea of this and make it VIP. and he has to stand in the middle and the rest of the team circles around him and protects him. IDK and maybe make the shark slower, im just rambling but yeah i think you have a great start.4/5
i don't get why this map has so many comments, i mean, it's really not even that good or at least from my viewpoint. It seems like from your youtube video that the humans die ALOT and rarely get the custom powerup. Plus, what's to stop the humans from camping the spawn? You should make a v2. For now it's a 3/5
That is a great question, that I unable to answer, I really don't like my game nor map, but I have recieved quite a few downloads in such little time.