OK, so in MW2, there are title cards. I like some of them, bust most of them I either haven't seen nor have I unlocked them. Does anyone know how to get: -Pyromaniac -Skeet Shooter -Get to the Choppa! -Companion Crate Thank you.
I have all of them but i have no clue how i got them. I think the Get to the choppa was from shooting down choppers. I think the companion cube was allowing your team mates to get your care package. (aka share package)
Companion Crate you mean? Just call in 25 care packages. I don't know the rest. I got Mad Man recently, I think it's because I was on a rampage oh Afghan with 42 kills and 15 deaths.
I just remembered some. I think Pyro is shoot enemy equipment, i think maybe 5. I got it after i shot someones C4 lol. And some guy on xbox live just told me get to the choppa is use 5 chopper gunners. He just got it so that def it.
Companian cube. It's a seperate title. I think it's fifty. I wish it would show the requirements when you got it. Would make recording this stuff a lot easier...
Callsigns - The Call of Duty Wiki - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty 2, characters, and more There is no Companion Cube, according to this.
Most of them you get for unlocking challenges. Skeet shooter, for example, you get for completing the challenge where you kill an enemy in midair. but if you are not at level 40 something or whenever the challenge is available, you cant get it. companion crate is 25 care packages get to the choppa is 3 chopper gunners i think pyromaniac is destroy some number of equipment but again you have to have those challenges unlocked.
I have companion crate. I believe it's something to do with those killstreaks crates being dropped. Maybe other people opening them for you?
they seem to unlock according to challenges you complete so companion crate is for share package challenge - you get extra titles of the same theme for higher levels of the same challenge