Alright...Here it is.. For this tutorial im setting up - Live Streaming Video to broadcast live screen from my capture card. :markv: Other Supported Sites (Similer to, but i encourage the use of or Stickam.) Stickam (Good for channels with multiple broadcasting and chat! Downside: You cant use FME) If you need to now how to set up a capture card. Here are 2 great tutorials by xSharpshooter94 by Penguinish ==================== Capture Card ==================== >>>Step 1: Go to - Live Streaming Video and register. >>>Step 2: Setup your Capture Card. Make sure it works by testing it with Video Capturing Software. Once you confirm it works properly. Go to next step. >>>Step 3: Download and Install FME (Flash Media Encoder) from here: Adobe - Flash Media Live Encoder 3 >>>Step 3.5: (Skip if you have Windows XP or Better): If you use a Mac. Click the Broadcast button, go to more and click on Quicktime Broadcaster. (This tutorial will not cover the use of Quicktime Broadcaster.) >>>Step 4: Click on the Broadcast Button and go to more. Click on Flash Media encoder and download your FME.xml Make Sure the one you click on matches your Version of FME!!!! >>>Step 5: Open up FME and open your FME.xml you downloaded. >>>Step 6: Change your settings around..Im gonna explain whats what. From the picture above. Im starting from left to right. Preset (Adobes Presets): It will change to custom when you change anything... Device: What Device you wish to use for broadcasting. Format: VP6 (Standard Defintion) H.264 (High Defintion) recommends you keep it VP6. But go ahead and change it. Bit Rate: The Higher the Bit Rate...the more the bandwidth. But Bit Rate also pumps out Quality. Size: "Size Matters Not" Master Yoda, Star Wars Crop: You can crop your screen smaller or more different... May be useful to some people. Resize: I dont Recommend. TimeCode: They enable Auto Adjust by default. So none of those Box's should be ticked. FPS: Frame Rate Per Second. Keep it 29.97 Sample rate: I think its supposed to do something with quality of Sound. Volume: You Should know what that means. Note: The Panel Options including the URL and Stream shouldnt be altered in any way, Shape or form. Ok when your settings are all set and ready to rock and roll click the big green Start button and there you should have it. Then go to your channel page and see what just happened. If you wish to chat to your fellow viewers, Mute your sound as soon you get in your channel and you should have a chat. YouTube - Broadcast LIVE Video ==================================== If you have any questions on this tutorial im would be happy to answer them in the replys below or in a PM. Anyways thanks for reading..... ~Killor118 ====================================
First Nice tutorial man, I think you typod the title, should it be how to broadcast live? I thought it was as simple as clicking broadcast then selecting device. Thanks for the tut
Thanks for pointing out my Keyboards lack of perfection. When you just click doesnt always work. With the FME it works all the time.
No problem, what connection would you recommend doing this on without disruption to gameplay? I have a 10meg connection, what birate etc could I broadcast on without lag do you know?
Well i run to 150 KB and it does twitchy video. But anything higher than 500kb is gonna be High Quality...splashed with goodness. If you want HD! Go with 800kb or higher..dont go will reach a point you require more of your actual computer to pump out the graphics.
Yer, Requesting this to be stickied Good video, you just sound a bit nervous lol. Off topic: I recommend extending your bar at the bottom up a bit all ur windows are cramped ;p
Me sounding nervous would only be meaning i stayed up all night and my voice vibrates. Like im cold or something. @Off Topic: I grouped mine. Looks better nao. EDIT: Its Stickied Nao...Thank you Shock Theta.
Woah dude!! Was that just a random pick for September 7 on the account registration?!! That's my birthday!!! OP Nice tutorial... very useful.
Alright i have a livestream here people. Playing, Portal Maybe Half-Life 2 Halo Wars Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2....Might play Call of Duty 4 When i get to Halo Wars and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 it may get a little laggy for me and the stream. Killor's Cave - live streaming video powered by Livestream
i cant get the dazzle dvc to show up in microphones i dont know how to get sound everythink works fine in pinnacle studio 10