Hey everybody, looking for a casual map to pass the time with? You've found it. Fun With Cones on the Dock! Basically, there is a dock, with a bunch of cones, that you play with. I have found four fun things to do with them. Height competition: Take turns meleeing cones and see who can get the highest height. (They can go flying REALLY high) Submerge competition: Take turns meleeing cones and see who can get the cone to stay underwater the longest. (My personal record is eight seconds) Speed competition: take turns meleeing the entirety of the cones on the dock off. Sniper/BR practice. Either melee and shoot, or someone else melees cones and you shoot. Either way are a great way to practive your precision. Hope you guys can have fun with this. Download here: Gametype Map
this definitely seems like a miny game, but that's kind of semanticy for my tastes. The only real question i have is how do you make the cones fly so high? is it really just by melleing them, or did you add something to make it work? also, how consistent is it? it seems like it would be fun to melle snipe cones, but only if it they were consistently very high.
they're consistantly high, you just, crouch, approach, melee. Usually goes really high. the only reason it's not a minigame is because there isn't any real scoring system. Awww... sadness, why didn't bungie add points for cone meleeing?!
Cool, this map seems creative. But I dont get how the mini~games work. Can you explain more about the underwater thing?
You melee a cone, it flies into the air, it comes spiraling down to earth at 1432mph, it goes under water, you count. This isn't really a minigame, it's just a casual honor-rule-filled game to pass the time with.
10/2/2009, I was bord, it was 2:57am, I played this, it felt like 5 minutes went by, it was 4 HOURS!!!