Left4Bread on BloodLossPT3 Recommended Players = 4-16 Map = Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype = Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Previous L4B Map = http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/90182-blood-loss-bridge.html Description This is the THIRD part in my Left 4 Dead styled maps. This map is The Mining Area back down in the crypt like my first map, and it has a bit of geomerging thanks to Ghost Merging!!! Of course you can still be a tank in this map (with the custom powerup and gravity hammer) and now a new infected type I made that has an active camo and a sniper rifle, best to use it from farther away in cover so you won’t be seen and shot, great for getting distant damage. Same teleporting system as always and in this map there is no crescendo event! Important Things about the Gametype 25% Zombies Next Zombie = Random Everyone’s Gravity is 200% No One Can Drive Vehicles Back Story Going into the house by the bridge you go into the basement and find a door to the underground tunnels. Around a corner and you see that the tunnel is blocked by rocks and must take the other side tunnels. At the end you are connected to the main tunnel and then there’s a dome shaped part. Climb to the top and the next door to the next part is there. Pics Overview Human Spawn First Side of the Tunnel Split in the Tunnel (Left Tunnel = Proper Path) (Right Tunnel= Secret Weapons) Tunnels from here are pretty straight forward except some optional tunnels that have weapons. Other Side of Main Tunnel Dome View 1 Dome View 2 Ending (Teleporter Spot There to Prevent Camping) And at the end of the right tunnel... ACTION PICTURES of EPIC PORPORTIONS Attack from the ceiling! Ambushed Before the Tank Attacks the Campers And After And Now You Can DL Map = http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=97877074 Gametype =http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=91701079&fset=105693
This look really good, i even dled it and it works well, 4/5, i love the creativity of the modern cave walls! Keep up the good work!
Looks very good. DL and Rated. I like how you used gm to make caves, but didn't only make small constricted ones, it looks like you incorporated some medium size areas as well.
When I played this my heart rate increased...this map/game generates the suspence that most infections should provide.
Can you post up the game settings in more detail? I'm trying to understand some of your game elements.
sexy sexy. really good work on this shaft like thing. im likin it a lot. nice work on the map overall as well and good efort on your post
+ Creepy at times. + Good forging and interesting map layout but... - The filters make the map very hard to navigate through seeing as its already hard to find your way to begin with. - It seemed a little bit to easy for the humans, even with all the claustrophobic tunnels. Score: 6/10
This looks really good. I like the caves, they give it a clausterfobic feeling. I'll do and check it out.