This has been going on since March, and there has been many comebacks. What do you want next? Personally for me I would like to see Cops and Robbers make a comeback. Maybe Tremors, who knows. Cops and Robbers for sure though!
cops and robbers in matchmaking? that. would. be. HORRIBLE!!!! any game with honor rules will never work in matchmaking.
There should be a playlist JUST 4 A WHILE where the party gets to vote on one the other players maps to play on. This would be good 4 the community cos everyone could play their maps.
That is really weird that you just had that idea. When some friends and I were talking about the veto system yesterday, we thought who cool it would be if Bungie implemented a MM map selection for Halo 4/new series. The map that receives the most votes would be played. I don't know what would happen if everyone chose the same map, but it is wishful thinking. Edit: I normally don't care for Double XP, but Team Snipers will be awesome in a couple of weeks. The only thing I don't like about Double XP is that your XP for games played ratio has no validity.
One question, what is "Tremors" And I think they should really come up with some new stuff for weekends and have a permanent "Casual" playlist with most if not all the DoubleEXP matches. And if not adding new stuff you can keep having DoupleEXP weekends with the double exp, while the other playlist would just give normal exp. At least that way you can get the medals for the lesser common double exp playlists.
they never re did swat weekend =[[[[ i can't wait till it becomes matchmaking. i would like to see team snipers as well. They better not do grifball again though. omgzzz
I'd say Swat, but since they're putting it in matchmaking, then not that. I'd like for them to put something like....vehicle wars. IDK!
Vehicle wars lol, I remember doing that with my brother in Halo1, we would both get in Warthogs and try to flip eachother and run down eachother. No shooting or nading allowed of course =D Oh the good ol' days =] -remembers-
Its ctf with only kills coming from the defenders splattering enemies in choppers. The attackers must jump on rocks etc to get the flag. It requires A LOT of teamwork!
Bloody oath, Sidewind and Blood Gulch Warthog wars. Some of the best times ever on Halo. Actually I remember finding out about glitches for the first time. That's right, just finding out you could do weird stuff to the game. A couple of my faves was getting into the rock on BloodGulch using the warthog turret and trying to get that damn Scorpian on top of the bases =P EDIT: I remember my dad walking past as we were staring at our excellently placed scorpian tank on the red base. He stopped and looked at the screen a couple times and said to us, "How the F**k did you get that up there" Ahumm, I don't really understand... But okay
It is like the movie Tremors. You are only safe when you aren't on the ground. Two defenders spawn by choppers, and the attackers spawn on one side of Valhalla. The attackers have to make it to the other base and back with the flag on foot. The defenders' choppers can only kill you by splattering, so the attackers are trying to jump around on rocks and other objects on the map like boxes that were added because the default Valhalla doesn't have enough rocks.
Yeah the ice on HaloCE was the best, you would go over it with a Hog completely sideways at good speeds =D I also just realised how off topic I was going xD This current DBLEXP is kinda stupid to be honest, actually very stupid. You can so easily get achievments and having proximity chat on allows people to "cheat" to get them... When I got them the real way -tear-. Okay well I got help on the overkill... Anyway I wanna see a DBLEXP playlist that only uses maps that are remakes from previous halo games with previous halo settings. Just to see how it would work =] SMG starts, like Halo2, unless it's a big map. In that case BR starts. Wouldn't be to hard to set up, surely... =]