This work in progress will hopefully be a casual, original map when it is complete. The map itself is put just barely into the water so that you don't die, you can see what you are walking on easily, and so that you aren't completely submerged underwater. It would come up to your spartan/elites knee/wart-wart/whatever. I don't know really what to say. So here are a few pics, maybe not the neatest map, but I am aiming for originality, fun, and playability. Overview of the blue base. Both sides are symmetrical. (blue light in the corner that's why) About player level view, maybe a bit higher than player level view but still. Taken from blue base. This is the path boats can take. Good for flanking and provides access to weapons only boats can get. I might add a grav lift to give boats an initial boost or give the boats a TURBO ENGINE!!! Any suggestions besides grav lifts appreciated, and don't say man cannons. One word, disaster. Random thoughts I have so far on the map: -Flames anyone? Flame based weapons because water limits effectiveness on flamethrowers and firebombs. And for dumb people here at forgehub, fiar no lik3s wattar. -No brute shots or fusion coils because that is the only way to get out of the map as I could tell. -More cover. -Eat a bagel LIKE A BOSS! -Add to center structure. -NO PLASMA RIFLES OMG!!!!!!!!!!I can't find them. -Two power weapons. -Interactive cover. -Lots of dead people on my map. And please vote in my poll to vote on whether I should have fire on a water based map. And any thoughts on weapons and anything I should add, fix or remove would be much appreciated. Thank you.:happy: [update] -Added rails -more cover -Less chance of escaping -Weapon holders added to walls for future weapon placement Still need -weapons -spawning -boat launch -suggestions Update: Working on weapons, so far: 4xspikers 2xmaulers 2xBRs 4xcarbines 2xrockets (no clips, 120 second respawn, only accessible to boats) 4xfirebombs 2xplasmas 1xsniper (1 extra clip, 180 respawn) 1xovershield 1xpartridge in a pear tree (not really) In addition, I've been working on the boat launch and added a structure that is accessible to boats only that gives them rockets. Planning on improving on the aesthetics (overshields on one side to indicate rad, and invis to indicate blue side) and also adding spawns. Still taking suggestions should you have any.
It's lookin good so far, you really seem to know what your doing and what you want too do. Only thing i could add is if limit permits, add some fish crates at the edge of the map, make em spaced out and not sticking way out of the water. That way dumb noobzorz will know where not to walk and where too walk. Other than that looks bamf. BTW use like 4 fire nades they would be fun, cause you actually have to hit people not hit the ground lol.
It would've looked a lot better if a majority of the map was above the water, and only a few sections were under. That way, you can actually place weapons, and know where the map geometry ends so you won't constantly walk off the side.
You can still place weapons, the water doesn't make a difference. But I would have to agree with you about walking off the side. I guess once you get used to it you won't walk off, but I will have to keep that in mind. I could put some stuff out of the water on the perimeter of the area with the water crate. That would help. But still, having a good majority in the water gives a new experience and makes you think about how you use your weapons. Frags can't bounce and of course flames will be canceled out by the water so you can't just scorch the ground in some areas. Might use CaptnSTFU idea for the border and maybe expand upon it a bit. I still have plenty of money, but not so sure about the item limit. I think I have $500.
$#%@ *walks off edge You need something so I have a clue where the edge is. Maybe tilt the edge pieces up some so they are just out of the water, or add railings. People complaing about sandbox maps that do not have railings. Here you cannot even SEE the edge.
I just added some railings today. I'm going to need to update it add some pics.And it's easier to see what you're walking on when you actually play it. But rest assured I added railings and more cover. Anybody have any ideas for weapons and/or structures?
For weapons id put limited range ones. Oh say 2 br's full clip 1 sniper and 2 carbines full clip. The rest needs to be Ar, SMG, Spiker, Plasma Rifles (if found). Just alot of close quarters stuff.