I was looking for a decent dedicated forger to adopt my map for a collaboration. This map is a map inspired by construct made for MLG and possibly some regular gametypes. It is a somewhat open map but don't get all worked up about it, it's suposed to be that way. Map plan to support 1v1 - 4v4 and 5 person FFA. I have a general layout I want to be followed but I'll obviously give you your freedom as long as you make sure it all goes well for the gameplay of the map. Here are some pictures. Obviously I can't pick everyone so I'm sorry if I do not pick you, but I will love for any replys. Thanks.
Wow, i read the thread title and thought this was going to be stupid but I have to say i am surprized. Its looking really good man... This looks epic BTW, I can see good BR/AR battles and stuff here, CTF also looks like it would play nicely if we kept this all symmetrical. http://x9f.xanga.com/d88f552512733258519280/b205801238.jpg When you say that you're looking for a good forger to do a collab, I could help. I've been forging for about over a year or two. And i've made some slayer maps before, but mainly racetracks of late. I can work on a slayer map with you though. I know all the techniques, interlocking, spawn timing, ghost merging, interlocking, saving and quiting.... you get the routine... ha ha. Its looking very good so far. I'm just not 100% sure about the lift... it looks a bit sketchy. If you DO want me to help then when I look at it in game we can judge weather it is looking good, working well, and adding to game play rather than taking game play aspects away. It looks good... I'll check back on this thread everyday to see if you replied. bye!
The title may make it seem sort of stupid but you have to look at the thread author as well. I do have 2 features here on forgehub. I am very interested in giving you this map for a colab but I am going to to wait for a few replies before I say for sure. And for the lifts. I have thought them out quite a lot. I don't have them completely finished but i do have them completely planned out. any questions about the map and such?
True thats okay, I can understand. Okay dude. idk they just looked odd from the angle. I didn't say they were bad, i just want to see how well they work. Nah dude, its looking great.
I would totally help you with this. I've been looking for something new to do, but I can't seem to get anything started. I'm a pretty good forger, but I can't ever seem to get anything tested and released. If you want to see my most recent map (still testing) follow the link in my signature.
I don't know if I'd like to help forge it seeing as I have waaaaayyy too many projects of my own right now, but I will say it is looking superb. I still really like to see Foundry maps every once in a while. From the pictures, I think it's symmetrical. Amirite? And in the last pic, the double wall ramp leading down to the ground looks like it would bump a lot when you go down. Might want to address that. I'm pretty sure he'd like to see some of your work so he can have an idea if you're any good or not.
can i get a dl link so i can forge on it? I have no work to show but If i can make a good job of this surely will count as work. if i get a dl link i can add my style to it i wont post it as my map in fact i wont post it tbh