Protip: Silencing a Barrett 50 Cal (In standard TDM) even with stopping power stops it being a one hit kill (usually). Also, I've nearly got mastery for the FAMAS. With the FMJ X-ray challenge, am I right thinking I can do this with another controller in local play somehow?
No MP40-stand-in eh? GOOD. I've been using my M4A1 like a beast, and when I get "Bling" I'll have a Heartbeat Tracker and Shotgun/Grenade Launcher on it.
Supertip; Go on hardcore TDM (so that you can still kill people without stopping power easily) Use bling, heartbeat sensor, and a silencer. Also use Cold Blooded, and Ninja. You are now untracable to the radar, UAV, chopper gunners, AC130s, etc. so no-one will know where you are or spam you with things that kill you, just by looking at their gadar.
argh, hardcore is annoying. EVERYONE has coldblooded. Makes thermal sights useless. Also, thermal, or normal scope for sniping? I find thermal being more effective because its limited to black and white imaging, but the normal scope has more detail, making it effective at long range.
OMG i just got the ACR and im like instantly owning for some reason. The first game i played with it i got 48 kills. I'm really proud of myself at how good im going at MW2. Im currently 22,000 on the leaderboards. Ive found the scar is really good till higher levels. Tip: always have a stinger or any other launcher as secondary, its pretty ownage to get rid of UAV's and air support.
lulz, I shot down every enemy UAV, counter-UAV, helicopter, and AC-130 in the past 3 games. I only missed one UAV when it went into hyperspace and escaped.
ump and famas and tar atm, sticking to famas a bit more to increase my accuracy, but my ump has been my main weapon ive unlocked all of the attachments but the extended mags which seens impossible cos i wont get fmj penetration kills with an smg, ive got urban camo for it too. tar is coming along nicely but its inaccurate so im using it less ive got hol sight for my famas atm will unlock more soon
I'm finding that abusing tactical insertions can really annoy enemies. Especially when you put them in a hard to find space. : )
I'm rank 15. I like the Scar with a Noob Tube attached, PP2000 for a secondary, Tactical Insertion, Flashbangs, Scavenger (Pro), Hardline, and commando until I can unlock scrambler. I dub myself, Noob. Truly what noobier combo can you come up with? I have a crapload of fun on terminal. I get in the front of the plane, put a tactical insertion in a corner, then use my scar, grenades, and pp to get far range kills on the window. If I die from a sniper or long range kill from the window I simply go prone when I respawn, lay an insertion, and repeat. If enemies are getting closer then I have to get creative. I throw flashbangs into the hallway, and kill them. If they get in and kill me they never think to still look into the cockpit. I shoot em up, and lay another insertion. I have so much fun listening to rants!
I like a silenced barret with acog scope and silenced g18. Steady Aim, bling, and stopping power. It's pretty deadly.
I like my intervention with thermal and FMJ with bling, stopping power and steady aim. It's pretty deadly too