Sandbox Aborasos

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 12, 2009.


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    By Devinish & LIGHTSOUT225

    [n. Ah-bohr-ah-sohs]
    Latin: A really, really ridiculously awesome Tremor Blast map on Sandbox. Like, really awesome.


    YouTube- Aborasos Flag Run


    A Co-forge between LIGHTSOUT225 and Devinish, this is the newest of maps to join the ranks of the Tremor Blast gametype. We blocked off half of the map to make sandbox into more of a U-shape. This map also features Wraiths (Cats) joining the Choppers (Graboids/Tremors) to defeat the Mongii (Mice).


    Players Supported: 10-16
    Download Link: Aborasos
    Gametypes Supported: Tremor Blast


    Brute Shot x 8
    Bubble Shield x 4
    Chopper x 4
    Wraith x 2
    Mongoose x 8


    Floating Objects: Yes
    Instant Respawn: Yes
    Immovable Objects: No
    Timed Map Events: Yes
    Effective Spawn Placement: Yes
    Grav Lift Techniques: No
    Placing Objects in Water: No
    Halo 3 Map: Yes
    Taking Advantage of Symmetry Options: Yes
    Floating Platforms: Yes
    Using KOTH to Limit Map Size: No
    Using Guardians to Limit Map Size: Yes
    Objective Based Items Basics: Yes
    Advanced Floating: Yes
    Really Awesome: Yes
    Interlocking Objects: Yes
    Merging Immovable Objects with Map Geometry: Yes
    Peanut Butter Jelly Time: Yes
    Unlimited Budget Glitch: Yes
    Glitching Out of Levels: Yes
    Ghost merging: Yes
    Switches: No
    Gametypes: Yes
    Advanced Guide to Respawns: Yes
    Incredibly True Backstory: Yes
    Merging Movable Objects with Map Geometry: No
    Ultimate Budget Glitch: Yes
    Advanced Interlocking and Merging: Yes
    Advanced Merging Techniques: Yes
    Merging and Interlocking...and Merging: Yes


    Old Man Jones purchased this land in 1742 as a place to settle down, and get away from his noisy punk kids for neighbors. Unbeknownst to him, this land was magical, and everything that lived there grew to enormous sizes. He built a...


    ...Glass House to plant his flower. But after just a few days of growing, his little flower turned into a huge..


    ...Death Flower. This was good for him though, because his lands were also infested with...


    ...Man Bear Pig Dragon Snakes! These Man Bear Pig Dragon Snakes were carnivorous, and eventually started eating all of Old Man Joneses family! He had to build a...



    ...Defense Base surrounded with a Semi-Permeable Membrane to keep the Dragon Snakes out! He also built a huge...


    ..Wall across half of the land. The Dragon Snakes became an even bigger problem when he realized he had left his flag at the...


    ..Flag Base. Old Man Jones did everything he could to try and get to the flag, but he had to scrap most of his ideas. He tried so many things, he had a whole...


    ...Scrapyard of debris on his property. He tried building a...


    ...Pyramid in hopes that he could pray to the gods for an answer, after that failed, he made a modern...


    ...Stone Henge for some reason, and he also built...



    Vehicle Pads to store his stuff where the Dragon Snakes couldn't get them. It wasn't until Creep1ng Death arrived and slayed the Dragon Snake with his almighty spatula shaped arms that Old Man Jones was finally able to get his flag back. Old Man Jones eventually erected a...


    ...Creep1ng Statue in his honor for all of the things he has done. The...


    ...Ribcage of the slayed Dragon Snake can still be seen today on his property, even though Old Man Jones has since passed. He left his property to LIGHTSOUT225, who threw a bunch of...


    ...randomly spawning broken columns on the property.

    ...Every time there is a large party of people gathered together, LIGHTS and Devinish hope you will help remember Old Man Jones, and his epic tale by playing a few games of Tremor Blast on his property in his honor. Oh yeah, and there's also...


    ...These Things that look like Old Man Jones' dying fingers coming out of the sand.


    Oh, and remember to stay off private property. Trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Thanks and Stuff:

    Big ups to all those who helped us test.. there really are too many to name. It really is appreciated. It went a long way in turning A Bunch Of Random Ass Structures On Sandbox into the Aborasos we have all come to know and love. Creep1ng De4th, hope you like your monument, brotha. We tried to make it look as much like you as we possibly could, and we think you'll be pleased. Thanks for the kick ass gametype. You're the man.

    In case you missed it

    Download Aborasos
    Download Tremor Blast

    Catch ya on the Flip Side
    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 12, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2009
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I had no idea that Devinish was working with you on this. I remember testing this with Devinish a while back, I loved it personally. I really liked the idea of leaving a death barrier whill leaving some parts of the dunes accessable, it really created a unique feel to the game. I love the ribcage (favorite stucture) and driving through it made escaping a lot easier.
  3. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I enjoyed playing this... as well the progression that you made on it. Absolutely wonderful as you choice to make that Membrane for the defenders base work as well the finial resting point for the flag. I could barely imagine you pull this off the both of you have pushed a limit on forge.
  4. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    I am overly impressed as I have been waiting so long for a GOOD Tremor map on Sandbox.
    From what I see here I like.
    The originality I see in the story matches the originality of the map.
    I really like the layout compared to any other Tremor Blast map ever made.
    I will download and playtest to give a full review.


    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Devinish and I had a lot of fun putting this map (and this ridiculous story) together. We've logged soo many hours just driving, and just staring and discussing the placement and orientation of each and every structure, so while it may seem like A Bunch Of Random Ass Structures On Sandbox, there really was a ton of thought put into driving lanes, traffic/flow, strategies, etc. We've seen games go 3-0, and games go 0-0.

    Hope you guys enjoy playin on it as much as we do.
    #5 LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 12, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2009
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I played this once in a random game and I must admit this is probably the most fun I've had on Sandbox with Tremors. The dragon snake thing... or whatever you call it is my favorite structure, mainly because I just like going under it so much. And now I no what that random block with teh arms is. Lol.

    If this is the final version, I'm definately downloading.
  7. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh my god, you went with the acronym.
  8. DemoltionsDino

    DemoltionsDino Ancient
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    I'm going to download just for the presence of Old Man Jones.
  9. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    WOW great looking map with soooo much diversity and interest it even looks nice and I expect that the game-play will be fun and exciting. will try to get a full party to play this amazing work you two!
  10. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I have got to say that that is one of the most brilliant stories I've ever heard. I had a great old time reading it. And I'm even more amazed that the map looks even better than the story, which is like Chuck Norris status, I might add. I couldn't wait to play it when I first saw it at GoO, but now I can't wait to play it.
  11. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Glad you guys liked it, without Lights, this map would still be adding to my collection of unfinished maps on my hard drive.
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Oh, man... when you guys snuck into the glass house, and I jumped it and managed to crush you as you came out the other side. Awesome. First moment that's made me smile that wide in Halo3 in a while. Nice work on this one, guys. I hate the wraiths, for my own personal reasons, but I suppose I can just play with 4 people on red team if that's my prerogative.

    Devinish and his god damn
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    haha. you also had a nice kill on me right at the start of one of those last tests.. you jumped the main wall near default sandbox and smashed me immediately. In fact that pic of the main wall has you leaping over it in a chopper just before that happened.. free willy style.
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    ..wai- seriously?

    Otherwise, I really like this concept, with the whole 'driving with people right on your tail with choppers' thing. It seems pretty chaotic, but fun.

    I'll give it a download and see what I think.
  15. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    hey add me and invite me to play somegames... its really hard to get people off MW2 so if youre gonna play this than i want in
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    LOL. I just blew juice out of my nose and onto my laptop when I read that story. Love the monument, especially the fact that the standard print on the block looks like a ***** and I have spatula arms. I gotta get my ass back into Halo and give this a whirl.

    I saw it early in development and I was definitely impressed by the things you guys were doing with it and I only regret not helping out and claiming stake in a part of such and epic looking map.

    Good work and I promise I will test this ***** out soon.
  17. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Haha, I must say I enjoyed that storyline. I really like the unique ideas you incorporated into this map like the dragon ribcage. I would love to get a party together to experience the gameplay. But everything obviously has a reasoning behind why it is in the map (even if this reasoning is fictional), so excellent job!
  18. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I'm not going to lie... This map made me jizz everywhere...

    Story plot=epic
    ideas fitting to plot=epic
    Interlocks/merging =epic
    huge overview picture=epic....

    I really have nothing else to say... this is just amazing. I'm going to go play the hell out of this map. good job 5/5. i love you.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I said we tried to make it look as much like you as we possibly could lol

    Appreciate it. I built the ribs portion, and tried to model it loosely after the ribs on Burial Mounds.
  20. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    This map is amazing, I'll start with that.
    Although I'm sure many have know about the Guardian's certain way of killing people (with towers opposite one's position), I don't recall it ever being applied in an actual game. Then the sheer amount of objects on the map was amazing, and though a few places seemed completely pointless, they were nonetheless "pretty."
    After playing a test-game with you guys, I can only say the game-type itself needs minor tweaking, on what I cannot currently recall. So yeah, fix the issues I can't remember xP. I also found the wraiths somewhat useless, as the mortar had a low chance of hitting, and when it did I only noticed minimal effects.
    I believe I am the one in the video who gets trapped in the junkyard of scaffolding for no apparent reason ._.
    #20 Arbacca, Nov 14, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2009

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