Bonuses? I just did a low 37 with the HK as secondary, ran out of ammo at the end and had to knife a guy which slowed me down. I'm wondering what people will think are the best weapons to go for, it's probably recommended ot keep a pistol instead of what i did. Also i'm on PS3 so consider that a gargantuan handicap.
I got 32 seconds, almost enough for the achievement. I wanted to try again but my brother told me to go to the next mission.
I got the achievement. Not sure what time, but it was under 30 secs. Compare on if that'll satisfy you.
I got 21 seconds What you do is you use a mac 11 at the beginning and just tap shoot it so you only fire 1 round at a time. Then just keep going until you get to the part where you jump off the building. When in mid jump, switch to your m9 then just clean up the rest. Oh and when you're aiming your gun to fire, keep moving while you aim. Don't EVER reload, if you need to, just switch to your m9. Mp5 also works but just don't use a primary weapon like a scar or an ACR Hope this helps!
If you're having trouble with it, here's a nice vid: YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Veteran Difficulty Walkthrough - S.S.D.D.
I finished in 29 seconds after a couple tries. I used the two pistols and like slashe12 said reloaded when I jumped from the building. If you have to reload, then you might as well start over.
If you take a look at your running time, it will timer your course through the obstacle, right? Well, when finished, there are bonuses to your initial time which decrease it depending on how well you did.
It's about accuracy really. Use something automatic that you can still one shot with, and then a pistol that is pretty much the same. I used the SCAR, and the G18. If done correctly, the scar should need reloading just as or after you jump off the building, but switch to the G18 instead. It's pretty much downhill from there, as long as you don't shoot through a target into a civilian cutout. Oh yeah, and try do do all this as fast as possible.
I'm yet to play it lol. To busy with MP at the moment, the scar and M4A1 are great for me. Can anyone tell me how good the bushmaster ACR is? thanks. My time is 32.6 i think. Didn't spend to long on it, i'm doing the campaign on regular first, to enjoy the story, then i'll go back and get the veteran cheevies
The video guide someone posted above wasn't a very good guide, you need to aim. If you get %100 accuracy you get 5 seconds taken off your whole time. Don't walk and spray like he did, walk as you're firing and just TAP the trigger. Then sprint to the next area. Another way to do the course is to start out with the m9 and keep going till you run upstairs to knife the guy. Switch to the USP because it melees faster. Then just keep going and, when you get the chance, try and line up the targets so you shoot through one and get the one behind it. Don't always try to do this though because the course is random and you may not get the chance. I still can't get better than 21 seconds though. BTW, spec ops is fun as long as you have a good teammate who won't get you killed. I've finished all of it on veteran except these 2 last levels. One is on the first Brazil map and there are 10 juggernauts you need to kill with explosives. It's pretty much impossible. The other one I forget.
Hi guys, I was just googling record times for S.S.B.B. and stumbled across this forum/thread and I registered pretty much just to share my findings in completeing this course in MW2. Ok, first things first - I got 16.1 seconds (granted, this is on PC, but I'm sure this can still be done just as fast on xbox/ps3 if not faster). Best combination to use is the m9/usp in my opinion: First thing to keep in mind: Don't Miss and more -Try to get better than 100% accuracy. That means knocking down more than 1 target in each area (or section - whatever that guy shouts saying its clear) and make sure you don't miss at all. For example, at the start, shoot the single target on the left side then take the mid and far right out with one shot. Second thing to keep in mind: If you're not shooting, you're running; and if you're not running, you'd better be shooting - and still moving -ALWAYS keep moving. Assess your targets, shoot, keep going. This is very important and will be one of the key factors to getting a low time. Third: You weren't fast enough -Keep this in mind as you complete each section/area. It will help push yourself to go faster. I would go in detail about each area and how you should approach each set of targets; but unfortunately, I'm at work and barely able to get this post through within the last 45minutes.